
Jan. 19, 2024

Here are some of the stories RTO Insider plans on having for you next week: 

Jon Lamson will have a piece on the NEPOOL Transmission Committee and its discussion of ISO-NE’s Order 2023 compliance. 

John Norris will report on a series of three NYPA meetings that will focus on how the state will implement the proposed cap-and-invest program. John will also report on the NYISO Electric System Planning Working Group and Transmission Planning Advisory Subcommittee, which will discuss the 2023-2042 System and Resource Outlook report. 

Devin Leith-Yessian will follow along with the PJM Risk Management Committee, as it discusses a problem statement and issue charge seeking to increase the RTO’s awareness of cybersecurity risks and incidents among its members. The MRC will also hold a first read of several manual revisions largely stemming from the documents’ periodic review, while the MC is set to consider the endorsement of a proposal to rework several aspects of the regulation market design. 

Tom Kleckner will have a story on the ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee, which figures to take up a slew of revision requests, elect its leadership and confirm subcommittees’ leadership. 

Meanwhile, Tom will also check in on the SPP Markets+’s Participant Executive Committee as it gathers in Westminster, Colo., to review and approve more tariff language, discuss independent sector voting and consider the Greenhouse Gas Task Force’s non-pricing program recommendation. 

Ayla Burnett and Robert Mullin will dive into a Western Power Pool transmission planning workshop, where the WPP, GridWorks and GridLab will compare transmission planning studies and efforts for different projects, including the Western Transmission Expansion Coalition effort. 

James Downing will check out a GridFuture event hosted by CPower that will feature presentations on virtual power plants and demand response. 

Holden Mann will have a story on “Technical Talk with ReliabilityFirst,” where RF staff will review the regional entity’s 2023 enforcement actions, as well as RF and NERC’s Long-Term Reliability Assessments. 

The details on all the meetings above can be found on our calendar

The RTO Insider team will also have a bunch of other news, so be sure to check out the website and our daily emails throughout the week! 


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