Jan. 26, 2024
Here are some of the stories RTO Insider plans on having for you next week:
Jon Lamson will dive into the NEPOOL Participants Committee, which will feature various reports from ISO-NE officials and the leaders of the lower committees.
John Norris will report on the NYISO Management Committee as it votes on the enhanced fast-start pricing proposal. John will also check in on a New York State Reliability Council meeting.
Devin Leith-Yessian will have a piece on the PJM Interconnection Process Subcommittee as it discusses the status of generation interconnection requests being studied under the Transition Cycle 1 initiated over the past month. The RTO’s Electric Gas Coordination Senior Task Force is also set to continue its discussion of a proposal to align market structures with the gas industry.
Amanda Durish Cook will have a story on the MISO Interconnection Process Working Group, which figures to discuss what’s next for its generator interconnection queue after FERC denied its request to annually cap the number of megawatts entering the queue.
Tom Kleckner will follow along with the Texas Supreme Court as it hears oral arguments from the PUC and Luminant over the extended high prices during the 2021 winter storm.
Ayla Burnett will have the details from a CAISO Transmission Development Forum, where stakeholders will have the opportunity to discuss transmission planning efforts with ISO staff.
Holden Mann will tune into a webinar entitled, “Talk with Texas RE: FERC-NERC Blackstart Report,” where staff from the regional entity will discuss a report on black start capability in Texas released last month.
The details on all the meetings above can be found on our calendar.
The RTO Insider team will also have a bunch of other news, so be sure to check out the website and our daily emails throughout the week!