March 1, 2024
Here are some of the stories RTO Insider plans on having for you next week:
John Norris will report on the NYSIO ICAP/MIWG/PRLWG as it takes up a demand curve reset, granular capacity zones, and an overview of valuing transmission security key concepts. John also will check in on the New York State Reliability Council Executive Committee.
Devin Leith-Yessian will have stories on three PJM Committees, including the Market Implementation Committee, Operating Committee and Planning Committee. The MIC will consider endorsing manual revisions seeking to clarify the process for reviewing interface pricing points and a fast-track proposal to rework the measurement and verification process for energy efficiency resources. The OC will continue discussing several manual changes drafted through the periodic review process and receive security and operating metric updates, while the PC will consider the endorsement of manual updates to implement PJM's long-term transmission planning proposal, which would establish a longer 15-year planning horizon and incorporate a wider number of factors.
Amanda Durish Cook and Tom Kleckner will be in New Orleans on Monday and Tuesday to cover the Gulf Coast Power Association MISO-SPP Forum. The forum will feature CEOs John Bear and Barbara Sugg, along with panels on managing the energy transition and FERC Order 2023.
Ayla Burnett will have the details from CAISO's Department of Market Monitoring, which will give an overview of market performance during last year’s third quarter, which spanned July through September 2023. The Energy Bar Association Western Chapter also will have its annual meeting featuring a variety of panels, including one led by FERC, one that covers wildfire preparedness for utilities, and an offshore wind panel.
Robert Mullin will cover the Committee on Regional Electric Power Cooperation's (CREPC) virtual winter meeting.
Holden Mann will tune into a SERC Long-Term Reliability Assessment Webinar in which staff will provide an overview of key findings from the regional entity's Long-Term Reliability Assessment.
K Kaufmann will dive into a U.S. Energy Association virtual press briefing on the future of the electric power sector in the AI era. Speakers include Marc Spieler, the senior managing director of Nvidia, and Clinton Vince, the head of the U.S. energy practice at Dentons, and its AI-covering think tank.
Details on all the meetings above can be found on our calendar.
The RTO Insider team will have a bunch of other news, so be sure to check out the website and our daily emails throughout the week!