April 12, 2024
Here are some of the stories RTO Insider plans on having for you next week:
Jon Lamson will report on the ISO-NE Planning Advisory Committee meeting, which will feature a discussion of asset condition project proposals. Meanwhile, the NEPOOL Reliability Committee will discuss resource capacity accreditation, load forecasting and DER data collection.
Devin Leith-Yessian will follow along with the PJM Deactivation Enhancements Senior Task Force and the Reserve Certainty Senior Task Force. The RTO and the IMM will present the former with proposals to rework the timeline for when generation owners must signify their intent to bring units offline and how compensation for reliability-must-run contracts is arrived at, while the latter will discuss proposals focused on synchronized reserve performance and compensation.
Amanda Durish Cook will have the details on the MISO Market Subcommittee, where the RTO will present stakeholders with its revised plan for Order 2222 compliance.
Tom Kleckner will have a story on the ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee, as stakeholders discuss and consider the grid operator’s deployment and release triggers this summer for its contingency reserve service.
Tom will also dive into SPP’s quarterly governance meetings. The MOPC, Strategic Planning Committee and REAL Team will all hold meetings Tuesday through Friday in Aurora, Colo., with an eye on the RTO’s western expansion.
Ayla Burnett will have a piece on CAISO’s Greenhouse Gas Coordination Working Group. ISO staff and stakeholders will continue to work on how to account for greenhouse gas emissions in the Extended Day-Ahead Market’s patchwork of Western states with different carbon pricing programs (or lack thereof). Ayla will also look into a California Energy Commission workshop with the PUC and Air Resources Board, who will discuss the approach and implications of examining the non-energy benefits and social costs of potential resource scenarios to meet Senate Bill 100’s directives.
Robert Mullin will cover the West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative’s monthly update, where stakeholders will be discussing the group’s recent straw proposal for changing CAISO’s governance structure.
Holden Mann will cover a Technical Talk with ReliabilityFirst, where staff will discuss supply chain shortages impacting the grid.
The RTO Insider team will also be on top of a Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee hearing on DOE’s 2025 budget request.
The details on all the meetings above can be found on our calendar.
The RTO Insider team will also have a bunch of other news, so be sure to check out the website and our daily emails throughout the week!