
May 3, 2024

Here are some of the stories RTO Insider plans on having for you next week: 

Jon Lamson will dish on the NEPOOL Members Committee as it continues its work on ISO-NE’s resource capacity accreditation.

Devin Leith-Yessian will follow along with the PJM Members Committee. The meeting will commence with comments from CEO Manu Asthana and Members Committee Chair Sharon Midgley of Exelon. It will then elect members to the Board of Managers and vote on proposed governing document changes to shift filing rights over planning protocols from membership to the board. Meanwhile, the General Session of the RTO’s Annual Meeting will feature panels on risk management for national and world events and applied innovation opportunities. 

Tom Kleckner will report on SPP’s Board of Directors and Regional State Committee meetings. The board and RSC will meet in Aurora, Colo., to discuss several resource adequacy issues and changes to the RTO’s governing documents with proposed terms and conditions necessary for the western expansion. 

Ayla Burnett will have the details on the CAISO Annual Policy Catalog Roadmap Process 2024 Working Group, where staff and stakeholders will discuss which issues should be moved to full policy initiatives. There will also be a Joint Workshop on Development of the 2024 Update to the NEVI Formula Program Deployment Plan. The California Energy Commission and Department of Transportation will host a workshop to discuss development of the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Plan Update for 2024. 

Holden Mann will have a story on the NERC Board of Trustees and MRC’s open meeting. NERC members and trustees will discuss matters related to the ERO’s business, including new reliability standards for cybersecurity, and its 2023 financial statements. 

The details on all the meetings above can be found on our calendar

The RTO Insider team will also have a bunch of other news, so be sure to check out the website and our daily emails throughout the week! 


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