
May 24, 2024

Here are some of the stories RTO Insider plans on having for you next week:

Michael Brooks will cover the NYISO Markets Committee meeting, where stakeholders will go over the ISO’s summer capacity assessment and receive a 

briefing on the MMU’s State of the Market report for 2023. 

Devin Leith-Yessian will have a story on the PJM Interconnection Process Subcommittee as it continues discussions of proposals to transfer capacity interconnection rights from deactivating generators to a replacement resource at the same site. Elsewhere, the RTO and the Monitor will present the Cost Development Subcommittee with guidance on how dual-fuel generators should offer into the market should fuel availability shift during the operating day. 

Amanda Durish Cook will have a piece on a MISO workshop, where the Monitor will deliver an unprecedented presentation challenging assumptions behind the RTO’s long-range transmission planning. 

Tom Kleckner report on an EPRI, NERC and North American Transmission Forum workshop that will discuss the implications of FERC Order 896 and the upcoming TPL-008 draft standard regarding extreme weather impacts on transmission planning, featuring climate experts from the National Labs, R&D organizations and other agencies to discuss the science behind forward-looking weather data in long-term transmission planning. 

Ayla Burnett will check in on the CAISO Greenhouse Gas Coordination Working Group, where staff and stakeholders will continue to iron out the details of how to account for greenhouse gas emissions in states with non-priced programs in the implementation of the Extended Day-Ahead Market. 

Robert Mullin will cover the monthly meeting of the West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative’s Launch Committee, at which it plans to vote on a proposal for altering the governance of the Western Energy Imbalance Market. 

Holden Mann will tune into a Talk with Texas RE on the regional entity’s 2023 Assessment of Reliability Performance, where staff will review the report and discuss developing challenges to reliability. Holden will also follow along with a webinar on state and provincial integration of reliable renewable energy. Representatives of the ERO Enterprise will discuss NERC’s proposed changes to its Rules of Procedure to require registration of inverter-based resources. 

The details on all the meetings above can be found on our calendar

The RTO Insider team will also have a bunch of other news, so be sure to check out the website and our daily emails throughout the week! 


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