June 7, 2024
Here are some of the stories RTO Insider plans on having for you next week:
Jon Lamson will provide the details from a joint NEPOOL Markets Committee and Budget and Finance Subcommittee meeting. The groups will discuss Pay-for-Performance financial assurance changes. John will also check in on the NEPOOL Transmission Committee.
Devin Leith-Yessian will dish news on both the PJM Reserve Certainty Senior Task Force and the Deactivation Enhancements Senior Task Force. The former will present two proposals to revise the calculation of its reserve requirement and how reserves are deployed, while the latter will continue to consider proposals to revise the compensation and notification period for retiring generators.
Amanda Durish Cook will be in Minneapolis to report on the annual Mid-America Regulatory Conference as it emphasizes technological innovation, load growth and transmission planning.
Tom Kleckner will follow along with the Texas House State Affairs and Senate Business and Commerce committees as they hold hearings on ERCOT. House members will hear from ERCOT and the PUC, while senators will focus on market design and the performance credit mechanism, and the impact of Bitcoin mining on the grid.
Ayla Burnett will have a story on the CAISO Board of Governors General Session, where a decision will be made regarding the ISO’s Interconnection Process Enhancements Track 2 Initiative. Ayla will also check out the Annual Policy Catalog Roadmap Process Working Group.
Robert Mullin will cover a WECC technical session that will discuss the impact of two January 2024 winter storms on grid operations in the Western Interconnection.
James Downing will relay the news from the Energy Bar Association Northeast Chapter’s Annual Meeting. Commissioner Allison Clements will give the keynote at the daylong event with panels on major issues facing the region.
K Kaufmann will attend the Hydrogen Americas 2024 Summit and Exhibition, as the two-day trade show and conference will revolve around all things hydrogen, including what’s happening with the federally funded regional hydrogen hubs and the current status of the development of a U.S. green hydrogen market.
Holden Mann will tune into the NERC Standards Committee meeting, as members will discuss the next steps on several ongoing standards development projects. The Reliability and Security Technical Committee will also meet to discuss several standards, reliability guidelines and white papers under development.
The details on all the meetings above can be found on our calendar.
The RTO Insider team will also have a bunch of other news, so be sure to check out the website and our daily emails throughout the week!