Your weekly intelligence on Decarbonization of Energy Resources
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Energy storage is a cornerstone of the clean energy transition, and the cost and efficacy of the various storage technologies are a frequent center of discussion:

  • NetZero Insider’s Jon Lamson has an update from Massachusetts, where experts joined in a panel discussion about the increasing importance of battery storage amid the rise of intermittent generation. Buildout is likely to require increased state support, at least in the short term. 

  • Inside Climate News looks at the safety concerns many communities have about battery storage, including a California city where activists are pushing a ballot measure that could block a proposed 600-MW project

  • E&E News writes about a paradox in Texas: Battery storage is proving so effective at backing up renewables that natural gas-fired plants are being moved from peaker roles to more frequent use. 

  • Real Clear Energy offers a counterpoint to the enthusiasm for batteries, emphasizing their limitations as an energy storage technology

Offshore wind energy development continues to make headlines: 

  • New Jersey’s governor directed his state to move its fifth offshore wind solicitation forward 15 months to make up for Ørsted abandoning two of the state’s first three projects in 2023; on a related note, Ørsted has agreed to pay the state $125 million to settle claims stemming from the cancellation. NetZero Insider’s Hugh Morley has the story. 

  • To the north, federal regulators offered Maine a research lease after determining it would have no significant impact on the environment. NetZero Insider’s John Cropley reports that this is a step forward in the state’s efforts to be a leader in the emerging floating offshore wind sector. 

  • Reuters has a story on the increasingly tight market for offshore wind turbines, and notes that three New York projects in limbo because a preferred turbine technology was canceled will face global competition for alternatives. 

  • Daily Energy Insider has a piece on Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind reaching a key milestone — first steel in the water — and the Virginia Mercury reports that the project has overcome the latest in a long series of legal challenges facing East Coast offshore wind projects. 

Transmission constraints are a major obstacle for the clean energy transition. Regulatory and technology development efforts are underway to reduce constraints and speed up interconnection: 

  • The New York Power Authority debuted a greatly expanded innovation laboratory that can digitally model the state’s grid, the demands placed on it, the resulting problems, and potential solutions — all in real time. Cropley gives an overview of how it works. 

  • Argonne National Laboratory has a similar product, offering transmission operators software powered by artificial intelligence that will predict when grid components will fail. 

  • Canary Media looks at dynamic line rating projects that can expand the capacity of transmission grids and concludes that this technology needs to be used much more widely in the U.S. 

  • The Washington Post reports on how much could be accomplished by retrofitting the existing grid with higher-capacity wires and explains why such rewiring projects have not been undertaken more widely. 

The biggest projects and largest entities tend to get the most attention in the energy sector as elsewhere, but the smaller players are more numerous, and the smaller projects sometimes present different challenges: 

  • Cropley has a story on the path forward for Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, whose CEO explained some of the issues facing rural electric cooperatives as they decarbonize during an American Clean Power Association webinar. 

  • VTDigger has a story on Vermont residents wrestling with the desire to address climate change and the desire to preserve their state’s rural character as three large solar farms are proposed. 

  • The Niagara Gazette reports that the former Love Canal landfill — site of one of the most infamous toxic waste crises in U.S. history — is being considered for a build-ready solar array. The panels would sit on concrete blocks so the foundations would not pierce the ground. 

  • And the Chicago Sun-Times has a story on ComEd flipping the switch on a new microgrid that is one of the first of its kind in the nation and may become a model for others in northern Illinois. 

All this and much more is gathered in this week’s Intelligence Report:

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U.S. biodiesel imports have doubled since 2022 due to low prices in Europe

The recent increase in U.S. biodiesel imports began in November 2022, when imports of biodiesel reached 30,000 barrels per day. In February 2024, the United States imported 54,000 barrels per day of biodiesel, the most for any month since June 2017. U.S. Energy Information Administration

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Iowa Governor Signs Bill to Bolster State's Renewable Fuel Infrastructure

Through grant incentives, the program helps retail operators of motor fuel dispensing sites or fueling stations modernize their equipment to better accommodate the expanded use of renewable fuels in Iowa. Renewable Energy Magazine


Little to no ethanol will qualify for U.S. sustainable aviation fuel credit

The toughened regulations could hurt the biofuel industry, which sees SAF as ethanol's best chance at growth since electric cars have cut into its market as a gasoline additive. It could also hinder Biden's goal of producing 3 billion gallons of SAF by 2030 Reuters


Treasury Audit Finds One-Third of U.S. Biofuel Tax Credits Wrongly Awarded

The erroneous claims captured by the sample, which included credits for so-called alternative fuels and biodiesel, total $30.3 million out of the approximately $252 million in credits claimed by the sample taxpayers. Renewable Energy Magazine

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New Hampshire

No bidders for Burgess BioPower biomass facility

Burgess BioPower filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy on Feb. 9 and has continued to run the facility while bankruptcy proceedings have been underway. New Hampshire Public Radio

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Carbon Capture


Could the Carbon Removal Industry Reach a Tipping Point that Triggers Rapid and Nonlinear Growth?

While policy and investment momentum has grown significantly in the past five years, today, less than 1% of even the lowest projected need for technological carbon removal is being met. WRI


OPINION: Our carbon capture experiment is the antithesis of environmental justice

Rather than continuing to waste billions every year subsidizing technologies that fail to produce results while hurting communities, we can advance genuine climate solutions that actually work, write Robert D. Bullard, founding director of the Bullard Center for Environmental and Climate Justice, and Steve Ellis, president of Taxpayers for Common Sense. The Hill

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Carbon Offsets


California's second carbon market auction of the year raises revenue at critical time for climate funds

This auction is expected to generate roughly $1.1 billion for the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, which is dedicated to funding initiatives aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and building climate resilience. Environmental Defense Fund


How to Fix Carbon Offsets

Carbon offsets have been heavily criticized as greenwashing, but they have a hidden benefit: getting crucial climate funds to developing nations. The New York Times


Carbon Offsets, a Much-Criticized Climate Tool, Get Federal Guidelines

The new principles aim to define 'high-integrity' offsets amid concerns that current practices often don't cut greenhouse gas emissions as claimed. The New York Times


U.S. announces 'guardrails' for controversial carbon markets

The carbon offsets market is currently worth around $2 billion per year. But recent research has raised concerns that claims of reduced emissions under the schemes are often grossly exaggerated, or in some cases, entirely unfounded. Space Daily

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EPA Formally Denies Alabama's Plan for Coal Ash Waste

The federal agency says the state's plan was not as protective as federal standards, allowing toxic waste to remain in unlined pits that may contaminate groundwater. Alabama officials say they will appeal. Inside Climate News


EPA just rejected Alabama's plan for a state-run coal ash program. What does it mean for Georgia?

Georgia is one of just three states with federal authority to have their own coal ash permitting programs, though these states are still bound to federal law governing coal ash wast Georgia Recorder


Dozens of Illinois communities urged to double down on coal

Chicago suburbs Naperville, St. Charles, Winnetka and 29 downstate municipalities are investors in the Prairie State Generating Station, a massive coal-fired power plant in southern Illinois that last year spewed 12.4 million tons of heat-trapping carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. TechXplore


Earthjustice leads lawsuit seeking stricter EPA coal plant wastewater rules

The EPA estimates its recently updated wastewater rule, which exempts power plants that retire before 2034, will cause about 5.8 GW of coal-fired capacity to shutter. Utility Dive

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Community Solar


California regulators torpedo popular plan to boost community solar

The CPUC rejected a broad coalition's effort to enable community-solar-and-battery projects, voting instead to approve a proposal solar groups say is dead on arrival. Canary Media


OPINION: California is about to side with PG&E to kill community solar

The state Public Utilities Commission plans to vote on a proposal that could effectively doom solar projects to help renters and low-income residents, the Chronical Editorial Board writes. San Francisco Chronicle


New Colorado law aims to 'modernize' state's community solar program

The bill is bipartisan legislation meant to set up a new dispatchable distributed generation program. Renewable Energy World

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Demand Response


Texas is the proving ground for a new way of electric grid operation

Texas' competitive market is poised to have VPP type aggregations take off as solar panels continue to grow there. pv magazine USA

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A Test of Cloud-Brightening Machines Poses No Health Risk, Officials Say

After halting a test of controversial technology to fight global warming, the city of Alameda, Calif., said it had found no "measurable health risk" from the giant salty-mist-spraying fans. New York Times

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Colorado governor advances statewide efforts to harness 'the heat beneath our feet'

The governor announced the award of $7.7 million to 35 different projects through the state's new Geothermal Energy Grant Program -- which aims to advance the deployment of this zero-emissions resource across Colorado. The Hill

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Clean Power Hydrogen launches membraneless electrolyzers

The new electrolyzer uses less energy at the stack than PEM electrolysis, as it does not have to force electrons through membranes. However, it still requires more power for the cryogenic separation process. pv Magazine


RWE unveils plan for 800MW 'hydrogen-ready' gas-fired power plant in Germany

Investment will depend on outcome of upcoming government tender, as well as whether a pipeline network is in place. Hydrogen Insight


A Debate Rages Over the Putative Environmental Benefits of the ARCH2 Hydrogen Hub in Appalachia

Proponents say carbon emissions from a process to produce hydrogen from fracked natural gas would be sequestered. Environmentalists counter that carbon capture technology is unproven, expensive and, at best, of minimal benefit. Inside Climate News


Communities Fear Health, Environmental Harms as They Await More Info on Hydrogen Hub Projects

Affected communities and environmental advocates feel left out of the planning for these massive projects and worry that promises of clean energy and good jobs gloss over serious health risks.


U.S. Gulf Coast a natural fit for clean hydrogen industry

The Gulf Coast has the largest hydrogen pipeline, opens new tab network in the country spanning over a thousand miles and boasts three of the world's six salt storage caverns. Reuters

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Grey infrastructure' can't meet future water storage needs, Stanford research reveals

As demand for food and energy grows, water will only become more precious. The analysis, published in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, underscores the necessity of exploring demand- and supply-side alternatives, such as other renewable energy sources and nature-based approaches for water storage. Hydro Review

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Pennsylvania's Fracking Wastewater Contains a 'Shocking' Amount of the Critical Clean Energy Mineral Lithium

A new study estimated there is enough lithium in the state's wastewater to meet up to 40 percent of domestic needs. But experts are concerned the discovery will be used to justify more fracking. Inside Climate News


Scientists just discovered an enormous lithium reservoir under Pennsylvania

The new source of lithium, which could meet up to 40% of U.S. demand, was discovered in fracking wastewater.

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U.S. assures Europe: We'll keep sending you gas, we promise

Joe Biden's decision to pause new LNG projects rattled Europe, which is increasingly reliant on the U.S. product. POLITICO

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ComEd flips the switch on Bronzeville microgrid in latest push for electric power

Leaders including state Sen. Dick Durbin applauded the move as a path toward sustainability as weather threats and climate change become more common throughout Illinois. Chicago Sun-Times

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A lack of mining innovation threatens the energy transition

Global consumption of raw materials is set to rise by a further 60% by 2060, having already increased fourfold since 1970, according to the United Nations. pv Magazine


From Black Gold to Green Energy: Mining Rare Earths Alongside Coal

Now, research led by the University of Utah has documented elevated concentrations of rare earth elements in active mines rimming the Uinta coal belt of Colorado and Utah. SciTechDaily

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Natural Gas


Alaskan youth sue state to block proposed natural gas pipeline project citing health, climate concerns

Alaskan youths sue state over natural gas pipeline backed by government, argue it would be bad for the climate. Alaska's News Source


Duke Energy faces deadlines for carbon reduction in North Carolina

Duke has big climate goals, but also wants to expand natural gas generation and others argue it could get a cleaner alternative.


Germany Will Scrap Its Controversial Gas Storage Levy in 2025

Germany is ending a tax on gas storage after neighboring countries said it made it harder to get away from Russian natural gas. Bloomberg


Mexico Natural Gas Production Hits Three-Year Low as Heat Dome Strains Power Grid

Mexico natural gas production hits all time low as heat wave tests power grid. Natural Gas Intelligence


Northern Michiganders are getting off propane -- and on to natural gas

Michigan utilities are expanding natural gas to northern part of the state and replacing propane due to lower prices. Detroit Metro Times

New York

National Grid proposes double-digit rate hikes for electricity and natural gas

National Grid proposing large rate hikes for electric and gas customers in New York state. WXXI News

North Carolina

OPINION: Duke Energy's plan to build more gas-fired power plants is wrong for consumers and the environment

Duke Energy is proposing to build 10 new gas plants in the next 10 years. That aggressive construction project comes with a high-dollar price tag, writes Will Scott, Southeast Climate & Clean Energy Director for Environmental Defense Fund. NC Newsline


Arlington approves new natural gas drilling as activists publish pollution report

Arlington Texas votes to approve new drilling in city limits as activists release pollution study. State law bans city regs limiting drilling. KERA News


Energy Transfer expands Permian presence with $3.25 bln acquisition of WTG Midstream

Energy Transfer is paying $3.25 billion for WTG Midstream, will expand pipeline share in Permian Basin. Natural Gas World


Texas A&M proposes housing natural gas power plants

Texas A&M University is asking developers for proposals to build peaking natural gas plants at land it owns around the state. Houston Chronicle


Aethon Energy to buy Tellurian upstream assets for $260 million

Aethon Energy buying upstream gas assets from Tellurian, which is trying to build a troubled LNG export facility. Reuters


Casey pushes natural gas, nuclear for hydrogen tax credit

Sen Casey (D-Pa) wants natural gas and other fuels to count for hydrogen tax credit.


The Climate Tech Darling Powered by Natural Gas

Crusoe Energy uses natural gas that would otherwise be wasted/flared to run its bitcoin mining operation. Heatmap


U.S. drillers cut oil and gas rigs for fourth time in five weeks - Baker Hughes

Baker Hughes reports decline in oil and gas drilling rigs, down 4 to 600 on the week, and 16% from a year ago.


Virginia Has the Biggest Data Center Market in the World. Can It Also Decarbonize Its Grid?

Dominion Energy, the state's largest utility, says new natural gas plants will be needed to meet rising electricity demand, while the state studies how this booming sector will impact Virginia's transition to renewable energy. Inside Climate News

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Existing, not advanced, reactors best for companies seeking 24/7 clean energy soon: Morgan Lewis panel

A recent webinar held by the law firm explored possibilities and barriers for industrial companies, raw material extractors and data centers looking at nuclear energy for reliable, low-carbon energy. Utility Dive


Improving Nuclear Energy's Bottom Line

The United States used to build nuclear-power plants affordably. To meet our climate goals, we'll need to learn how to do it again. The Atlantic


NARUC, NASEO release report on converting retired coal sites to nuclear

The report highlights some of the benefits and challenges associated with the coal to nuclear repowering process, with a particular focus on the policy, programmatic and regulatory considerations of relevance to State Energy Offices and PUCs. Daily Energy Insider


White House makes push for large nuclear reactors

A $35 billion nuclear expansion in Georgia shows how project costs have escalated and chilled potential development. E&E News

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Offshore Wind


Floating wind could transform offshore energy -- but companies need to work together and embrace innovation

As well as scaling up the capacity to design, manufacture and install wind farms of increasing size and complexity, the industry will need to embrace greater levels of standardisation and closer collaboration. Professional Engineering


Lack of standardisation holding back floating offshore wind

Westwood survey finds manufacturing capability and capacity, and port infrastructure are also hurdles.


New research programme set to develop knowledge on noise mitigation for floating offshore wind

Underwater noise is a key consideration of the environmental impact assessment process for floating offshore wind developments. While the industry has gathered significant data banks relating to noise emissions associated with bottom-fixed offshore wind turbines, fewer sources exist for floating offshore wind. 4C Offshore


Ocean Winds Releases Report on Safe Bomb Disposal at UK Offshore Wind Farm

The report demonstrates how the "low-order deflagration" method for disposal of unexploded ordnance creates predictable low levels of underwater noise in the marine environment. Offshore Engineer


Shell plans offshore wind job cuts

Shell is set to begin the layoffs within months, mainly in Europe, according to sources familiar with the matter. The company limits on spending has left Shell's offshore wind team in the Netherlands with less to do than previously expected.


Wind farms are cheaper than you think, and could have prevented Fukushima disaster

The researchers found that offshore turbines could have averted the 2011 nuclear disaster in Japan by keeping the cooling systems running and avoiding meltdown. The team also found that wind farms are not as vulnerable to earthquakes. TechXplore

New York

New York offshore wind projects face global tussle for turbines

Most U.S. East Coast projects are set to install turbines in the range of 11 MW to 15 MW and as the industry consolidates around this level, the three projects impacted in New York will face intense global competition for turbines. Reuters

Rhode Island

SupplyRI announces new offshore wind partnerships

As program "anchors," Vineyard Offshore and Avangrid will support "local businesses in Rhode Island through procuring Rhode Island-sourced goods and services for local offshore wind energy projects," R.I. Commerce said in an announcement. Providence Business News


Is U.S. Offshore Wind Dead In The Water -- Or Just Poised For The Next Big Gust?

The Biden Administration wants to boost offshore wind. But other forces, including cost, political opposition and disinformation, have slowed adoption. Floodlight News


U.S. Offshore Wind Farms Are Being Strangled With Red Tape

This year has seen wind farm costs rise and many projects canceled as developers struggle with opaque regulations and determined opposition -- but the industry is far from dead. Wired


Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind project reaches key milestone

The first monopile foundation for the 2.6-gigawatt Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind (CVOW) was installed recently approximately 29 miles off the Virginia Beach coast, Dominion Energy announced. Daily Energy Insider


Federal judge denies request to delay Dominion's offshore wind project

Says plaintiffs didn't demonstrate need to prevent "irreparable harm." Virginia Mercury

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Shareholders back Exxon bullying of green investors

The company's 12 nominees for its board won an average of 95 percent of votes cast, ranging from 87 percent to 98 percent, Oil Gas Daily

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Onshore Wind


Hydro-Qu?bec will manage large-scale wind power projects

The state-owned company presented its new strategy with a view to accelerating the deployment of 10,000 MW of new wind capacity by 2035. The new model will aim to prioritize the development of projects that can reach beyond 1,000 MW. Montreal Gazette


Bladeless wind energy innovation aims to compete with rooftop solar

A compact, "motionless" wind turbine with a magnetic generator designed for large commercial rooftops provides 5 kW of capacity per unit. Aeromine Technologies secured Series A funding for scaling its innovative design. pv Magazine


Inslee rejects recommendation to slash proposal for Horse Heaven Hills wind farm

Since the project was proposed in 2021, it has pitted local opponents against the state's ever-growing need for renewable energy -- and illustrates the difficult trade-offs required to wean the electrical grid off fossil fuels. Seattle Times

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Renewable Energy


Brookfield enters deal to buy France's Neoen for $6.6 billion

The deal marks one of the biggest take private deals in Europe this year and comes amid strong investor interest in renewable energy assets. Reuters


Canada is undergoing a fragmented clean energy transition with radically different levels of provincial effort

Since 2016, 80% of climate spending in Canada has been at the federal level, despite the fact that the federal government is responsible for roughly 20% of all public spending. Clean Energy Canada


China's renewable exports rise 35% in past 4 years, says WoodMac

Energy batteries surpassed solar modules to become the country's main renewable energy commodity export. Renewables Now


In the Race for Clean Energy, the United States is Both a Leader and a Laggard -- Here's How

The combined 16 percent of wind- and solar-powered electricity flowing throughout the nation is especially impressive given the fact that only 0.2 percent of US electricity came from these sources just a quarter century ago. The Equation


Renewable manufacturing costs much lower in China, says WoodMac

Wood Mackenzie says in its latest report that low prices and integrated supply chains allow Chinese manufacturers to supply more than 65% of total global demand for renewables equipment, with its exports growing by 35% between 2019 and 2023. pv Magazine


The Right Kind of Tipping Point

Global carbon dioxide emissions might have already peaked, according to new estimates, signaling a potentially monumental shift. New York Times


Renewable Energy Wins for Now in Michigan as Local Control Measure Fails to Make Ballot

A referendum campaign sought to repeal a 2023 state law that eases development of wind and solar, but couldn't get enough signatures. Inside Climate News


Duke Energy, tech giants announce agreements to drive clean energy deployments

The companies proposed developing new rate structures, or "tariffs," designed specifically to lower the long-term costs of investing in clean energy technologies like new nuclear and long-duration energy storage through early commitments. Renewable Energy World


OPINION: The next step for clean energy permitting: judicial review

Endless cycles of frivolous litigation and uncertainty paralyze any kind of infrastructure development, resulting in endless delays and untold added costs, write U.S. Rep. Bob Latta (R), a member of the Conservative Climate Caucus, and Heather Reams, president of Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions. The Hill


Technology-neutral proposed tax credit called 'game-changing policy'

The U.S. Treasury Department has issued further proposed guidance on the IRA, detailing a path to support a broad array of technologies-including solar- with tax credits, and clarifying many additional tax-related items in its latest guidance. pv Magazine


U.S. Utility Customers Overpay by Billions, Hindering Shift Off Carbon

There is a political economy to ensuring renewables get built at the lowest cost. As renewables have become more affordable, they have become more appealing. The Energy Mix


Virginia Has the Biggest Data Center Market in the World. Can It Also Decarbonize Its Grid?

Dominion Energy, the state's largest utility, says new natural gas plants will be needed to meet rising electricity demand, while the state studies how this booming sector will impact Virginia's transition to renewable energy. Inside Climate News

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Rooftop Solar

Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico's rooftop solar boom is at risk, advocates warn

Rooftop solar has been a lifeline for the U.S. territory during blackouts. Now a government entity wants to undo a law protecting a key solar program. Canary Media

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Solar peaks at 123% of grid, supplies 31% of California's April electricity

The Golden State set multiple clean energy records in April, with solar power increasingly dominating the grid, supported by robust energy storage solutions. pv Magazine


Perovskite solar cells move into production

Perovskites remain a great hope for the future of the solar industry, once the possibilities of tunnel oxide passivated contact (TOPCon) and heterojunction PV have been exhausted. A look at the latest perovskite research shows that industry optimism is built on a strong foundation. pv Magazine


Guaranteed and transferable tax benefits will make the PV industry too big to fail

Trina Solar executive says policies in the Inflation Reduction Act will make or break the future of solar in the U.S. pv Magazine


Solar hits above its weight in powering US energy transition

On a day-to-day basis, solar plants can have such disruptive influence on system electricity flows that utilities have been forced to develop capabilities to rapidly curtail output from other sources and store surplus power for later use. Reuters


Virginia solar projects stall after Dominion Energy required pricey upgrades

After Dominion Energy required expensive upgrades, many solar projects were put on hold. Washington Post

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Solar, Storage


TVA moves ahead with biggest solar and battery storage project in Mississippi

Orgis Energy said the first 150-megawatt solar farm and 50-megawatt battery storage facility portion of the planned 550-megawatt project is now generating electricity. Chattanooga Times Free Press


Report: Improving ROI on customer solar and storage projects in 2023

Enact Solar has published its 2023 U.S. Solar and Storage Market Intelligence Report, which offers an overview of the solar energy landscape in the United States. Enact customers are seeing a shorter payback period now. Solar Builder

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Solar, Wind


Why it's so hard to bring clean energy to Tennessee

Tennessee leads the country in renewable energy restriction - 91 out of 95 counties have adopted state-level restrictions that include a minimum distance between a neighboring property line and turbine equal to 3.5 times the total height of the turbine structure, and a noise limit of 35 decibels from a neighbor's dwelling. Renewable Energy World


Research shows wind and solar produce tens of billions in U.S. health benefits per year

Lawrence Berkeley National Lab says benefits from lowered emissions are larger than most prior estimates. pv Magazine

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On California's Central Coast, Battery Storage Is on the Ballot

In Morro Bay, residents fearing that a proposed storage facility for renewable energy could hurt tourism or start fires have pushed a local ballot initiative that could stop its development. Inside Climate News


The Many Problems With Batteries

Absent major breakthroughs, the technologies for storing energy and providing power using electrochemical batteries require far more mass and volume than technologies that do the same using fuels, writes Iddo Wernick of the National Center for Energy Analytics. Real Clear Energy


Grid batteries boosting natural gas in Texas -- report

Texas batteries are growing rapidly, but a side effect is they free gas peakers from being held back for reliability and instead they are dispatched more often. E&E News by POLITICO


As storage interconnection requests jump 540 GW, DOE and other experts weigh how to get things moving

Most proposed storage projects never get built due to long interconnection delays and high grid upgrade costs. Utility Dive


Recovering electricity from heat storage hits 44% efficiency

Heat batteries could store intermittent renewable energy during peak production hours, relying on a thermal version of solar cells to convert it into electricity later. TechXplore

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Transmission & Distribution


CAISO board approves $6.1B transmission plan, with focus on access to clean energy

The grid operator will adopt heightened oversight of two major offshore wind transmission projects to make sure their development remains needed. Utility Dive


Better real-time data for the country's congested transmission lines

Dynamic-line-rating projects reveal how much power transmission lines can handle, expanding clean energy capacity without costly upgrades. The U.S. needs a lot more of them. Canary Media


How a simple fix could double the size of the U.S. electricity grid

Rewiring miles of power lines could make space for data centers, AI and a boom in renewables. Washington Post


How distribution transformers will contribute to carbon emission reduction

A look into the innovation around distribution transformers and how to make them more efficient, emissions-free. Engineer Live


Portland General Electric joins Allete, Grid United on $3.2B North Plains transmission project

The Oregon-based utility is expected to take a 20% ownership share in the 415-mile transmission line, unlocking about 600 MW of transfer capacity to improve reliability. Utility Dive


Revolutionizing energy grid maintenance: How artificial intelligence is transforming the future

The system analyzes vast amounts of information energy companies collect from sensors installed throughout the grid, creating a predictive model that forecasts wear and tear over time. Ultimately, the software could recommend when to repair or replace parts before any problems occur. Argonne National Laboratory


Virginia Explained: Data center expansion, with all its challenges and benefits

While data centers are proposed as potential drivers of economic benefits for localities, a number of Virginians have expressed concerns about the proliferation of the warehouses in the state and their effect on communities where they're located. Virginia Mercury

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Trash Incineration


South Baltimore group files civil complaint against WIN waste incinerator

The group hopes the complaint leads to a formal investigation by the EPA. The results could show exactly what makes it out of the incinerator and its impacts on the community. wmar2news

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Utility-scale Solar


China Eases Rules That Could Slow World-Beating Solar Boom

China has allayed fears that growing grid congestion could tap the brakes on its record pace of renewable installations, by relaxing limits on how much renewable power can be utilized in energy-rich areas. Bloomberg


Entergy Louisiana plans 3 GW solar expansion, citing demand from heavy industry

The Louisiana PSC's approval of an expedited review process for new solar projects will help enable more solar and boost economic development in the state, according to Entergy Louisiana. Utility Dive

New York

New York state eyes Love Canal site for large scale renewable energy project

The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority has begun the process to determine if the land that was once Hooker Chemical Company's Love Canal landfill can be reclaimed and developed into the Vincent Welch Build-Ready Solar project. Niagara Gazette


In western Vermont, small town residents weigh large scale solar projects

At 50 megawatts -- a total fenced area of roughly 300 acres -- the array in Panton would be the largest of the three, and more than double the size of any existing solar array in Vermont. VTDigger

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Siemens Gamesa to cut 4100 jobs, CEO says in staff letter

The job cuts plan, which was first reported by Spanish newspaper El Correo, comes shortly after Siemens Energy fleshed out major restructuring moves at Siemens Gamesa, also flagging that this would include staff reductions. Reuters

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