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Transportation decarbonization news for this week featured reports on large-scale electric vehicle trends, along with some movement in state policy.

The New York Times reports that EVs are becoming increasingly affordable in the U.S. because of increased competition, lower raw-material costs, more efficient manufacturing and federal tax credits. Used EVs can cost consumers as little as $11,000, enabling a wider range of drivers to electrify. 

Despite the falling costs, a new poll found that just four out of 10 Americans would consider an EV for their next car, while only about 9% of households own or lease an EV. Respondents frequently cited range anxiety and cost concerns as deterrents to electrifying. The poll also found older Americans to be more resistant to the idea of buying an EV. 

Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) chided the Biden administration for the slow rollout of EV charging stations funded by a $5 billion federal charging program; so far just seven charging stations stemming from this program are up and running. 

In state EV policy news: 

  • Delaware extended a $2,500 EV rebate program an additional year; it will now run through April 2025. 

  • Vermont Gov. Phil Scot signed a bill establishing a new $89 annual fee for registered EVs intended to make up for lost gas tax revenue. Long-term, the state is planning to move to a mileage-based fee on EVs. 

  • The Wyoming legislature is considering a 4 cents/kWh fuel tax on fast chargers. In-state EV owners are already required to pay a $200 registration fee to make up for lost gas tax revenue. 

  • An Oregon rebate program that offers up to $2,500 per vehicle and $5,000 for low- and moderate-income households has once again run out of money. The fund ran through about $8 million in less than two months. The program could gain more funding in the fall. 

  • Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) said the state will not follow California’s car emissions standards, despite a 2021 law requiring them to do so. Democrats and environmental advocates called the move unconstitutional. 

In aviation news, airlines called on energy companies to increase their investments in sustainable aviation fuels at the annual meeting of the International Air Transport Association. A representative of TotalEnergies disagreed, telling attendees, “We are doing our part.” 

All that and more in this week’s Intelligence Report: 

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The Race for Hydrogen Combustion Engines is Officially On

Currently, hydrogen combustion technology is in an exploratory phase within the automotive industry. Companies like Volvo, Cummins, Hyundai and Toyota believe in its potential, but there still remains a gap between research and widespread commercial application. Hydrogen Fuel News

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Airlines and energy firms clash over green fuel supplies

With current supplies of SAF covering just 0.5% of the airlines' fuel needs, disagreements surfaced during an annual meeting of the International Air Transport Association, attended by energy companies including France's TotalEnergies. Reuters


Electric air taxi maker Archer Aviation gets key FAA sign-off

Archer is making electric vertical takeoff and landing aircraft and won orders and backing in 2021 from United Airlines, which says the new technology could reduce carbon emissions. CNBC

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Electric Vehicles


Delaware Extends $2,500 Rebate Program: Who Qualifies

Delaware has extended a $2,500 rebate for another year, so electric vehicle buyers will benefit moving into 2025. The state's Clean Transportation Incentive Program will now be available until April 30, 2025, after it was supposed to expire on April 30 of this year. Newsweek


Electric vehicles need cobalt. Congolese miners work in dangerous conditions to get it.

Black activists in the U.S. are fighting the exploitation of Black resources and workers in the Congo. Grist


EVs Are Suddenly Becoming Affordable

More efficient manufacturing, falling battery costs and intense competition are lowering sticker prices for battery-powered models to within striking distance of gasoline cars. The New York Times


Granholm calls higher U.S. tariffs on Chinese vehicle crucial for automakers

Washington is investing hundreds of billions of dollars in clean energy tax subsidies to develop U.S. EV, solar and other new industries, and has said China's state-driven excess production capacity in these sectors threatens the viability of U.S. companies. Reuters


Electric transportation takes off in N'West Iowa: Part 3

A growing number of Northwest Iowa residents are embracing battery power as a means of getting around. Increasingly, the region's roadways are dotted with Tesla Model 3s, Chevy Bolts and Ford F-150 Lightnings, and while the charging infrastructure in N'West Iowa lags behind some other regions -- especially on the coasts -- charging stations continue to pop up across the Midwest, creating a more robust network for e-powered travel. The N'West Iowa REVIEW

New York

Are These EV Charging "Trees" A Solution For Curbside Charging?

New York startup Gravity reports that it has developed an innovative solution for curbside charging: "A new universal on-street mounting and cable system, dubbed 'DEAP Trees,' for its 200kW and 500kW Distributed Energy Access Points." Clean Technica


Oregon exhausts electric vehicle rebate funds

After running out of funds last spring, Oregon reopened the rebate program at the beginning of April. The money's gone now, but applications continue through June 3. KGW-TV


Americans still prefer gas vehicles over hybrid or EVs, study shows

Only one-fifth of people surveyed said they would purchase an EV over a gas-powered vehicle or hybrid vehicle. Reuters


Comparing costs and climate impacts of various electric vehicle charging systems across the U.S.

This study compares the total cost of ownership and greenhouse gas intensity of EVs using various charging systems. Nature


Democrat calls only 7 EV-charging stations deployed under US program 'pathetic'

Just seven electric-vehicle charging stations have begun operating with funding from a $5 billion U.S. government program created in 2021, marking "pathetic" progress, a Democratic senator said. Reuters


Ford and Tesla EV's Can Now Share the Same Charging Stations

Following Ford Motor Co.'s update to their electric vehicle's adapter and software this year, the new model's battery is now compatible with the same charging port used for Teslas and can be powered up at the same stations. La Voce di New York


Ford's first all-electric Explorer rolls off assembly as new sport EV crossover debut looms

As Ford's first all-electric Explorer rolls off the production line at its new Cologne EV facility, the company is already looking toward its second EV. Ford will reveal its new sports EV crossover soon ahead of production this year. Electrek


How Electric Car Batteries Might Aid the Grid (and Win Over Drivers)

Automakers are exploring energy storage as a way to help utilities and save customers money, turning an expensive component into an industry asset. The New York Times


Just 4 in 10 American Adults Would Switch to EVs, According to AP-NORC/EPIC Poll

Despite the Biden-Harris Administration's enthusiastic advocacy of electric vehicles in a bid to fight climate change and reduce emissions, a new poll has found that only 4 in 10 adults in America would consider choosing an EV for their next car. In fact, 46% of participants said that it was highly likely they would not choose one. Thomas


Manchin says he's encouraging industry to sue Treasury over EV tax credits

Manchin told U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen during a hearing of the Senate Appropriations Committee that U.S. manufacturers were being damaged by the content rules, which he said Treasury had halved from the original language in the law. Reuters


Many Americans still shying away from EVs despite Biden push

High prices and a lack of easy-to-find charging stations are major sticking points, a new poll shows. TechXplore


Politics playing a role in electric vehicle adoption: Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, speaking at the CNBC CEO Council Summit in Washington, D.C., said the discussion around the growth of electric vehicles has become a political issue. CNBC


Sen. Rick Scott Calls for Govt Probe Into EV Payoffs

Republican senators led by Rick Scott, R-Fla., want an investigation into whether the Biden administration is cooking the books to boost electric vehicle ratings to pay off automakers with exorbitant subsidies "incorrectly, and likely intentionally." Newsmax


Vt. Governor signs annual transportation bill with new fees on electric vehicles

The governor also approved eight other bills Monday, including one that will allow more teenagers to keep their public library records confidential from parents or guardians. Vermont Digger


Youngkin says Virginia won't follow California's clean car standards anymore

Critics say GOP leaders are overstepping authority to undo 2021 law. Virginia Mercury


Legislature Still Wants EVs To Pay Their Way, Resurrects Charging Tax

Saying electric and hybrid vehicles need to pay their own way for the wear and tear they put on Wyoming roads, legislators are resurrecting a bill to tax fast-charging stations. Cowboy State Daily

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Fuel Cells


Average hydrogen fuel price at pump in U.S. more than four times higher than in Japan and South Korea

The cost of filling vehicle with H2 has more than doubled in California since late 2021. Hydrogen Insight

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Heavy-duty Vehicles


Shell Fuels Heavy Metal Band's Tour in Europe

A new kind of groupie is interested in the heavy metal band Metallica's tour in Europe, including Shell, big-rig and electric vehicle manufacturers, and producers of hydrogen, biofuels, and LNG. Journal of Petroleum Technology


Two more Mack LR Electric garbage trucks hit the road in Ontario

In a bid to help the city of Kingston, Ontario, achieve its sustainability goals, town leaders ordered two Mack LR Electric refuse models -- the first two BEVs in its refuse fleet. Electrek


An Electric School Bus Company Is Best Performing EV Stock This Year

The best-performing electric vehicle stock is a little-known school bus maker. Blue Bird Corp., which has a market cap of about $2 billion, has started to diversify from its diesel and gas-power buses to electric, boosted by government funding. Business Insider


Cemex US signs renewable natural gas agreement with Clean Energy to power Southern California fleet

Approximately 300,000 gallons of RNG will be provided by Clean Energy's public station network in Southern California to fuel the fleet. Fleet Owner


Sysco takes delivery of 10 Freightliner electric semi trucks, plans to buy 800

While a number of commercial fleets are still piloting one electric truck, or planning for dozens of electric trucks in the next several years, Sysco Corp. signed a letter of intent with Daimler Trucks North America to deploy nearly 800 battery electric Class 8 tractors by 2026. Electrek

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Medium-duty Vehicles


OPINION: Why EPA's support of school bus electrification is the clear choice to improve America's future

The benefits of vehicle electrification go beyond reducing emissions and they have the capability to do more, writes Albert Gore, executive director of the Zero Emission Transportation Association. Utility Dive


Charlottesville, Virginia, shows how small cities can take a lead on zero-emissions public transit

The city council is set to vote on a strategic plan this month that would expand service and phase out fossil-fuel buses over the next decade and a half. Energy News Network

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NXT's new cable laying vessel will be methanol fueled

The decision to invest in the vessel was announced in May last year in parallel with an investment in a new high voltage cable factory on NKT's existing site in Karlskrona, Sweden, and both assets are expected to be operational from 2027 MarineLog

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