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Look, up in the sky … | Shutterstock

June 10, 2024

Drones have become a big part of society over recent years. From military uses to surveying to photography, drones have become a piece of technology that has shown to have a plethora of practical uses.

Then there is plain ole “recreational use,” which Luke Bell and his father, Mike, have devoted much of their engineering time to. The duo was recently able to create the world’s fastest drone that clocked in at an average speed of 298.47 mph. The 3D-printed, carbon fiber drone flew two documented runs for the record and even hit a top speed of 317 mph. That’s not to say the feat was a walk in the park, as the drone caught fire twice and needed to be reprinted multiple times in the process of setting the record. 

One has to think there is a terminal speed these drones can hit, and I am sure we will find out what it is in the coming years. Higher, further, faster. 

Now, take your time and don’t speed through this RTO Insider news: 

  • SPP filed bylaw amendments at FERC to place seven Western entities under its tariff that, if approved, will make the RTO the first grid operator with markets in both major interconnections. Tom Kleckner has the details. 

  • Nearly a decade after the MISO capacity auction in which Dynegy was found to have manipulated clearing prices, FERC has directed hearing and settlement procedures in the case. Amanda Durish Cook reports on that, as well as … 

  • … the RTO’s 2024 Transmission Expansion Plan increasing slightly in cost to $5.8 billion while the Southern Renewable Energy Association requested it explore an alternative to an Entergy Texas reliability project. 

  • FERC approved tariff revisions by Berkshire Hathaway Energy subsidiaries PacifiCorp, Nevada Power and Sierra Pacific Power that will enable the utilities to earn market-based rates when participating in the Western Resource Adequacy Program. Robert Mullin has the story. 

  • Top utility commissioners from four New England states emphasized the need for regulatory innovation to preserve affordability amid the clean energy transition at the New England Energy Conference and Exposition. Jon Lamson followed along. 

Lastly, we have news from other sources: 

  • “Outage-prone Michigan utilities could face $10M in annual fines,” MLive 

  • “Carbon dioxide levels rising ‘faster than ever’ amid unprecedented heat: Report,” The Hill 

  • “US solar projects could boom amid deadline to use up tax-exempt panel glut,” Reuters 

From everyone at RTO Insider, thanks for reading and enjoy the rest of your day! Also, be sure to check out our latest news from NetZero Insider below!

Shawn McFarland  

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