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“What’s the top speed on that puppy?” | Shutterstock

June 17, 2024

The other day I wrote about a father-son tandem who recently set the record for the world’s fastest drone. Well, me being the equal-opportunity-email-writer that I am, figured I would acknowledge this new land-speed record as well.

English mechanic Dylan Phillips has been credited for setting the new Guinness World Record for going 52 mph … with a wheelbarrow. As seems to be the case with most men and their speed records, the idea came to fruition after a few drinks in a pub and was completed in his shed. Phillips called the experience “uncomfortable” and “terrifying,” but those words are probably synonymous with going very fast in a garden tool. 

Now, see what news RTO Insider raced over to you:

  • FERC initiated show-cause proceedings into the practice by four RTOs of allowing transmission owners to self-fund network upgrades needed to bring generation online, saying the practice may amount to favoring owner over interconnection customers. Amanda Durish Cook reports. 

  • The Texas Supreme Court has ruled ERCOT and the Public Utility Commission were within the law when they raised wholesale prices to more than 300 times above normal during Winter Storm Uri. Tom Kleckner has that story, as well as … 

  • FERC Commissioner Allison Clements said Order 1920 will make it easier for states to address the changes facing the industry. James Downing listened in at the EBA Northeast Chapter’s annual meeting. 

  • The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld FERC’s approval of a key NYISO capacity market price determinant that New York’s utility regulator says could raise costs by hundreds of millions of dollars per year. John Cropley breaks it down. 

  • Recent developments in Japan have revealed that its market differs in significant ways from those in the U.S. — including from the very PJM capacity market on which it modeled its own. Energy lawyers Eri Akiyama and Jennifer Fischell provide their thoughts. 

Lastly, we have news from other sources: 

  • “Lawmakers hope to continue fight against political spending by DTE, Consumers in Michigan,” Detroit Free Press 

  • “First American offshore wind vessel unveiled in Providence,” WPRI 

From everyone at RTO Insider, thanks for reading and enjoy the rest of your day! Also, be sure to check out our latest news from NetZero Insider below!

Shawn McFarland  

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