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If it looks old, it probably is. | Shutterstock

June 19, 2024

*** RTO Insider will not publish tomorrow as we observe Juneteenth. We will be back with your email full of news on Friday. ***

You never know what you will find in a thrift store. If you are thrift with your money and keen on your senses, you may be able to discover a “diamond in the rough.” Although she did not realize it at the time, Anna Lee Dozier did just that. 

Dozier spent $3.99 on what she thought was a 30-year-old replica of an ancient pot at the 2A Thrift Store in Clinton, Md. However, after seeing similar pottery during a work trip in Mexico, she decided to get it checked out. You know, just in case. It turns out the pot dates back nearly 2,000 years to the indigenous Mayan people. Dozier has since returned the piece to the Cultural Institute of Mexico. 

In case you find yourself in a thrift store any time soon, here is some Mayan pottery history, and here are some examples. Keep your eyes peeled. You’re welcome. 

Now it took the entire RTO Insider team to mold this news for you: 

  • FERC has received rehearing requests on Order 1920 ranging from stakeholders who just want to see a few tweaks, to those who prefer the commission trash the entire order and start over. James Downing reports. 

  • Paul Foster, who chaired ERCOT’s first Board of Directors under new rules established in the aftermath of 2021’s disastrous winter storm, announced he is stepping down. Tom Kleckner has the details. 

  • FERC has accepted the results of ISO-NE’s Forward Capacity Auction 18, finding it was run according to the rules of the RTO’s tariff and that protests submitted by climate activists were outside the scope of the proceeding. Jon Lamson breaks it all down. 

  • NYISO said it is prepared to meet demand during an extreme kind of heat wave called a heat dome that was already spiking temperatures to near 100 degrees Fahrenheit in western New York. Vincent Gabrielle has the story. 

Lastly, we have news from other sources: 

  • “‘Call Mike DeWine on the $500k:’ Governor’s text sparked dark money payment, texts show,” 

  • “Dust in the wind: Nebraska’s oldest operating wind turbines to be removed,” Nebraska Examiner 

From everyone at RTO Insider, thanks for reading and enjoy the rest of your day! Also, be sure to check out our latest news from NetZero Insider below!

Shawn McFarland  

The latest from NetZero Insider:

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