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July 5, 2024

Hello again from ERO Insider, welcoming you to another summer weekend in the world of electric reliability! For our U.S. readers, we hope you are having a fun, but safe holiday weekend. The National Safety Council estimates 599 people will die in traffic accidents during the Independence Day weekend, which runs from 6 p.m. July 3 to 11:59 p.m. July 7 — please don’t be one of them! Drive safely on the way to the fireworks so you can see them again next year.

Despite the holiday week, we still had some news in the reliability world. Holden Mann covered a warning from the FBI that inverter-based resources remain vulnerable to cyberattack, and becoming more so as their presence on the grid grows. Click through to see the bureau’s recommendations for utilities. (See FBI Warns Power Sector of IBR Cyber Vulnerabilities.) 

And Vincent Gabrielle followed along with a discussion at the New York State Reliability Council’s Installed Capacity Subcommittee last week, where NYISO said the mathematical model for calculating the state’s installed reserve margin every year will need to be updated as more offshore wind and major transmission lines come online in the state. (See NYISO Studying How to Update IRM Calculation to Account for Offshore Wind.)

Thanks again for joining us! We hope you have a happy, safe and fun holiday, and we’ll be back to our regular Friday schedule next week with the latest from the ERO Enterprise and beyond. 

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