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Need a pick me up? Pet a pup. | USA Gymnastics

July 1, 2024

Whenever someone is sad or depressed, there is one thing that can almost certainly turn those frowns upside down: a dog. And despite their unique talent and skills, aspiring gymnasts for the U.S. Olympic team are no different from anyone else.

Beacon, a 4-year-old golden retriever, became a welcomed light in the dark for some athletes at the U.S. Olympic gymnastics trials last week. The therapy dog put in 15-hour days, including pre-meet pep talks, interviews and post-session pick-me-ups. The latter was especially true, as two Olympic hopefuls suffered major injuries that left everyone in the arena devastated. Beacon is just one of many pups who have helped athletes cope with the stress of trials. 

While it may not rise to the same level as Olympic trails, coming up with something to write about every day can also be stressful. Thankfully I have my email-writing therapy dog next to me to help with the emotions. 

Now, lower your heart rate by reading some of this uneventful RTO Insider news.

From everyone at RTO Insider, thanks for reading and enjoy the rest of your day! Also, be sure to check out our latest news from NetZero Insider below! 

Shawn McFarland 

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