July 12, 2024
Here are some of the stories RTO Insider plans on having for you next week:
Jon Lamson will have a story on the ISO-NE Planning Advisory Committee as it discusses tie benefits and the New Brunswick Coordination Agreement.
Vincent Gabrielle will dive into the NYISO ICAP Working Group meeting as it discusses a project it is deploying that will address behind-the-meter solar. Meanwhile, the Operating Committee will review a series of interconnection study reports, which represent ongoing grid modernization and zero-emissions projects.
Devin Leith-Yessian will look into the PJM Planning Committee as it convenes a special session to review and vote on endorsing the proposed installed reserve margin and forecast pool requirement for the 2026/27 delivery year. The MIC will also hold a special session to review elements of the CIFP proposal on the capacity market that it plans to refile. Lastly, the Reserve Certainty Senior Task Force will review the results of a poll conducted in June, in which stakeholders supported two proposals to revise how the RTO commits and deploys reserves.
K Kaufmann will follow along with a Maryland Public Service Commission meeting, as the PSC considers a request from Baltimore Gas and Electric to expand its managed charging program, which pays EV owners a small monthly incentive. K will also cover a briefing hosted by the USEA and the National Hydropower Association entitled, “Bridging Waters: A Model for Enhancing Grid Reliability and River Restoration during the Energy Transition.” A panel of experts will discuss innovative solutions and collaborative strategies for integrating hydropower into the energy transition.
Amanda Durish Cook will tune into a MISO Long-Range Transmission Workshop that will talk about the appropriateness of the RTO’s $25 billion long-range transmission portfolio.
Tom Kleckner will relay the news from SPP’s MOPC and Strategic Planning Committee meetings in Tulsa, Okla. A key issue on the agenda is stakeholder approval of the fuel insurance and winter planning reserve margin policies.
Ayla Burnett will report on a joint CAISO Board of Governors and WEIM Governing Body General Session meeting, where the two bodies will discuss a variety of topics affecting both entities, including an update from the ISO’s Department of Market Monitoring.
James Downing will detail NARUC’s Summer Policy Summit. The event, which runs through Wednesday, will feature a gathering of state regulators in West Palm Beach, Fla. Speakers include utility CEOs, regulators, FERC Chair Willie Phillips and energy expert Daniel Yergin.
The details on all the meetings above can be found on our calendar.
The RTO Insider team will also have a bunch of other news, so be sure to check out the website and our daily emails throughout the week!