
July 19, 2024

Here are some of the stories RTO Insider plans on having for you next week:

Vincent Gabrielle will report on the NYISO ICAP Working Group, which will discuss the demand curve reset as it sets prices for the next four years. Vincent will also check in on the Electric System Planning Working Group. 

Devin Leith-Yessian will relay all the PJM news, including the Risk Management Committee as it presents information about its credit requirements for trading financial transmission rights. The Markets and Reliability Committee is also set to vote on endorsing more stringent Know Your Customer requirements, while the Members Committee will consider endorsing revised values for the Installed Reserve Margin and Forecast Pool Requirement. 

Amanda Durish Cook will have the details from the MISO Interconnection Process Working Group, where the RTO will get the ball rolling on a second attempt to cap annual entries in its generator interconnection queue. 

Ayla Burnett will have a story on a CAISO workshop on storage bid cost recovery and default energy bids. Meanwhile, the West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative has moved into step 1 of the initiative to shift the ISO’s governance structure in the implementation of the Extended Day-Ahead Market. 

The RTO Insider team will tune into FERC’s monthly meeting, which will be its first with all three new members. 

The details on all the meetings above can be found on our calendar

The RTO Insider team will also have a bunch of other news, so be sure to check out the website and our daily emails throughout the week! 


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