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Imagine one of these is worth a month of your salary. Then imagine finding a jar filled with them. | Shutterstock

August 6, 2024

Continuing with the theme of finding lost artifacts this week, today we go to Turkey, where archaeologists discovered a literal pot of gold. 

Excavators were unearthing a house that dated back to the third century B.C. in the ancient city of Notion on the west coast of Turkey, about 30 miles south of the modern city of Izmir. Originally a Greek city-state, it at several points in history fell under the control of the Persian Empire. Beneath the house, the archaeologists discovered the remains of a dwelling from about 200 years earlier. And buried in a corner was a jar of darics, gold coins struck by the empire. 

While dating anything that is at least thousands of years old is always tricky, it is especially tricky with these coins given the revolving rule of the area during the Greco-Persian Wars and the later Peloponnesian War. Historians believe a mercenary soldier buried the coins — each one equivalent to a month’s pay — to save them before dying in battle. Whom did he fight for and when? Your guess is as good as anyone else’s. 

What will we find hidden next, and where? Perhaps in the ocean this time. And if we’re going from golf balls to gold coins, perhaps it will be a shipwreck? Check back tomorrow for that, and of course more news from RTO Insider.

See you tomorrow! 

Michael Brooks

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