
August 23, 2024

Here are some of the stories RTO Insider plans on having for you next week:

Vincent Gabrielle will dish on the NYISO Budget Priorities Working Group as it discusses the final project budget recommendation draft. Vincent will also check in on the ICAP Working Group, as well as the Load Forecasting Task Force. 

Devin Leith-Yessian will relay the news from the PJM Interconnection Process Subcommittee, which will discuss the RTO’s progress on processing its “fast lane” interconnection queue. The Transmission Expansion Advisory Committee will also hold a special session to talk about a timeline for reworking its long-term transmission planning processes to comply with FERC Order 1920. 

Amanda Durish Cook will have the details from the MISO Planning Advisory Committee, where the Clean Grid Alliance is set to request the RTO and members devise ways to share information to better synchronize large load additions. 

Tom Kleckner will report on the ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee meeting, which will be followed by a workshop on the grid operator’s ancillary services study. Also, the Texas PUC is expected to take up ERCOT market design proposals at its open meeting on Thursday. 

Ayla Burnett will have a story on the CAISO Interconnection Process Enhancements Working Group, where staff and stakeholders will discuss Track 3A of the 2023 initiative and consider modifications to the Transmission Plan Deliverability allocation methodology. 

Holden Mann will follow along with a Texas RE cyber and physical security workshop. The NERC regional entity will host energy industry and government experts to discuss the most pressing security threats to the electric grid and needed defense measures. 

K Kaufmann will be in Frederick, Md., next week for the Maryland Data Center Summit. The Maryland Tech Council is holding the one-day event at the site of a major data center campus being built to attract businesses that can’t squeeze into Virginia’s Data Center Alley. Elsewhere, Advanced Energy United will present a webinar on “Reforming State and Local Policies to Accelerate Clean Energy Deployment.” The panel discussion will feature speakers from renewable energy developers located in Massachusetts and Virginia. 

The details on all the meetings above can be found on our calendar

The RTO Insider team will also have a bunch of other news, so be sure to check out the website and our daily emails throughout the week! 


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