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Congress is on its August recess, and the Democrats are in Chicago for their national convention. But the team at NetZero Insider still is finding plenty of good stories on the policy and impacts front.

Let’s start with K Kaufmann’s coverage of the second anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act, which looks at the burst of clean energy manufacturing the law has triggered, as well as some of the choke points, like the home energy rebates, where expectations of a faster rollout were, as one source said, “overly rosy.” 

Similarly, factories that have been announced continue to outweigh factories built and online ― a challenge for the still import-dependent solar industry. John Cropley covers President Biden’s decision to give the industry more time to build out its supply chains by raising the number of solar cells and panels that can be imported into the U.S. duty free from 5 GW to 12.5 GW per year. 

At the same time, the ongoing debates between blue and red, renewables and fossil fuels, continue at the state level.  

Virginia’s Clean Economy Act requires Appalachian Power to run 100% on carbon-free power by 2050. But as James Downing reports,  the utility argues it shouldn’t have to factor in the potential retirement of 4.2 GW of coal-fired generation into its plans for hitting that target, because it won’t close the two plants involved until 2040. So far, state regulatory staff and environmental advocates aren’t buying it. 

Natural gas could remain very much in the energy mix in Nevada. According to correspondent Elaine Goodman, that’s the subtext in Republican Gov. Joe Lombardo’s recently released Climate Innovation Plan, which calls for the state to find ways to maintain energy reliability while also “potentially decreasing emissions … over a sensible time frame.”  

The IRA anniversary drew headlines in our curated content as well, with Clean Technica citing a new report showing that close to 60% of projects receiving federal dollars — representing 85% of the investments and 68% of the jobs — are in red congressional districts, despite the fact that no GOP lawmaker voted for the legislation. 

Heading into the Democratic convention, Reuters has a sharp analysis of the tension between climate goals and fossil fuels that has surfaced in Vice President Kamala Harris’ efforts to stay “strategically ambiguous” on energy policy. Harris is trying to balance her previous strong stand against fossil fuels with the critical need to win voters in swing states ― like Pennsylvania and Michigan ― where many blue-collar workers are employed in the coal and gas industries.  

Inside Climate News looks at the pressure now building on New York’s Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul to roll back the state’s ambitious Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA), after a series of reports that say the law’s goal of cutting greenhouse gas emissions 70% by 2030 likely cannot be met and will raise rates for consumers. 

At the same time, PV Magazine sees signs of ongoing momentum in corporate clean energy demand, with Goldman Sachs investing $440 million in BrightNight, an independent power producer that has a five-year business plan to develop a 31 GW portfolio of renewable energy projects.  

Beneath the politics and economics, however, human-driven climate change is moving ever closer to treacherous tipping points. A powerful multimedia piece in The New York Times tracks just how close we may be to irreversible change in key global climate systems, for example, the bleaching of coral reefs, the thawing of permafrost and the loss of the Amazon rainforests. 

The NetZero Insider Policy and Impacts newsletter follows all the critical stories you need to move your business and climate goals forward. Read on! 

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Finance & Investing

Finance & Investing


Goldman Sachs invests $440 million in renewable independent power producer

Goldman Sachs announced it has invested $440 million under its Alternatives fund in BrightNight, a renewable power company providing solutions to utility, commercial and industrial customers. pv magazine


Inflation Reduction Act money might not get to those in most need, study finds

In the two years since Congress approved the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), billions of dollars have been made available to help states fight climate change, promote clean energy and address economic inequities. But new reports give credibility to the fears that positive impacts aren't being felt by the people who need it most. Louisiana Illuminator


Utilities give clean energy investors an alternative to solar

Given that nearly all utilities are developing and integrating growing volumes of clean power into their distribution systems, many will fulfil the criteria for clean energy investors even if they are not purely dedicated to renewable energy production. Reuters


Wall Street Wants In on America's Battery Storage Boom

Solar surge lets battery companies charge up when power prices are low, sell when high. The Wall Street Journal

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Impact & Adaptation

Heat Waves


'It's Torture': Brutal Heat Broils Texas Prisons, Killing Dozens Of Inmates

Legal action aims to force criminal justice department to air condition prisons, where 85,000 are at risk of heat illnesses. The Guardian


Texas Likely Undercounting Heat-Related Deaths

Deaths from heat are notoriously difficult to quantify because of how complex and subjective the process is. It leaves officials with an incomplete picture of who heat kills. Inside Climate News


Biden announces first-ever heat safety strategy

The document outlines goals for improving communication and education around the dangers of extreme heat, finding solutions to prevent heat illness and injury, and solidifying support to communities through the National Integrated Heat Health Information System. Greenwire

Impact & Adaptation


How Close Are the Planet's Climate Tipping Points?

Earth's warming could trigger sweeping changes in the natural world that would be hard, if not impossible, to reverse. The New York Times


As heat puts pressure on the grid, Maryland is latest state to take action

Unfortunately, for every state or region moving forward, others are moving back. Energy News Network


Almost 20 Years Ago, a Mid-Career Psychiatrist Started Thinking About Climate Anxiety and Mental Health

Now, Lise van Susteren has helped organize two professional organizations, surveyed thousands of children and concluded that it's perfectly normal to be freaked out. Inside Climate News


If you want Americans to pay attention to climate change, just call it 'climate change'

It turns out that Americans are more familiar with -- and more concerned about -- the phrases climate change and global warming than they are about climate crisis, climate emergency or climate justice. The Conversation


OPINION: How I learned to stop worrying and love (or tolerate) carbon offsets

Offsets are a lightning rod in the climate debate, but the idea is appealing because the climate doesn't respond to where CO2 comes from, only how much there is in the air, writes Stephen Porder Brown University Associate Provost for Sustainability. Ecosystem Marketplace


The Lost History Of What Americans Knew About Climate Change In The 1960s

It wasn't just scientists who were worried, but Congress, the White House, and even Sports Illustrated. Grist

Severe Weather


As Baltimore's Sewer System Buckles Under Extreme Weather, City Refuses to Help With Cleanup

Advocates want city officials to expand a sewage cleanup program and invest in the sewer system as its infrastructure ages and climate stressors increase. Inside Climate News

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Policy & Politics

Policy & Politics

New York

Climate Activist Arrested For Playing His Cello Outside Citibank Faces 7 Years In Prison

The climate advocates accuse Citibank and the NYPD of coordinated and escalating efforts to suppress nonviolent protests in retaliation for drawing attention to the banking giant's key role in funding fossil projects globally. CleanTechnica

New York

Gov. Hochul Ponders a Relaxation of Goals Under New York's Landmark Climate Law

A leading business group and an influential GOP state senator want to go beyond pushing back deadlines and rewrite the law entirely. Inside Climate News

New York

Is New York's upcoming energy "summit" just for show?

The huge cast of characters involved in the summit is grounds for worry that the gathering will simply be a promotional dog-and-pony show for the state's unrealistic energy agenda, Roger Caiazza writes for the Empire Center. Empire Center for Public Policy


Environmental regulators say NW Natural misleading customers about state climate credit program

In a newsletter, the state's largest natural gas utility said Oregon's carbon crediting program might not lead to pollution reductions, which regulators say is wrong. Oregon Capital Chronicle


Harris' energy policy is strategically ambiguous, her aides say

Opinion polls show broad support for tackling climate change, especially among younger voters. But her campaign aims to avoid alienating either side. Reuters


Most Americans don't know the country's biggest climate law helps the climate

Two years on, the Inflation Reduction Act is seeing results -- but not name recognition. Grist


Navigating the GHG protocol and the potential pitfalls on the way to net zero

About 90 per cent of Fortune 500 companies use the GHG Protocol for managing and reporting their corporate GHG emissions. But the GHG Protocol is constantly evolving. Later this year, it will release guidance for land management activities. Environment Journal


OPINION: Climate activists have lost sight of their mission

Which is the more important fight: the one against fossil fuels or the one against climate change? Listening to many climate activists these days, it seems their answer is the former, the latter be damned, writes Robert Gebelhoff, deputy politics editor for The Post's Opinions section. The Washington Post


OPINION: Manchin's Last Hurrah Is a Bad Deal for the Planet

The fossil fuel lobby has now supersized their hostage demands with the single-minded goal of guarding against an incoming Harris administration, writes Jeremy Symons, an environmental and political analyst. Common Dreams


Podesta Concerned Over 'Problematic' Elements Of Permitting Reform Bill

He declined to say what President Biden would do if the legislation made its way to the White House in its current form or whether those "problematic" elements are deal-breakers. The Hill


RWE and Vestas CEOs see green power growth continuing no matter who wins US election

Krebber and Andersen point to rising power demand, thirst by tech companies and data centres for green electricity and IRA benefiting structurally weak regions. Recharge


Two Years In, The IRA Has Benefitted GOP Districts And Red States The Most

Nearly 60% of the announced projects -- representing 85% of the investments and 68% of the jobs -- are in Republican congressional districts. CleanTechnica

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