September 06, 2024
Here are some of the stories RTO Insider plans on having for you next week:
Jon Lamson will relay the news from the NEPOOL Markets Committee meeting and its discussion on capacity auction reforms, as well as the ISO-NE Consumer Liaison Group and its discussion on offshore wind in the region.
Vincent Gabrielle will dive into the NYISO ICAP Working Group as it discusses transmission security limit floor levels and possible tariff changes on balancing intermittent resources. The Operating Committee will also vote on several interconnection study scopes and study results. Lastly, the New York State Reliability Council Executive Committee will also hold a meeting.
Devin Leith-Yessian will keep you up to date on the PJM committees. The MIC is set to consider endorsing changes to interface pricing rules. Stakeholders will also discuss the 2026/27 Base Residual Auction parameters and preliminary 2025 budget. Then, the OC will discuss the monthly operating metrics and security briefing, while the PC will consider revisions to Manual 14F: Competitive Planning Process drafted through the document’s periodic review.
Amanda Durish Cook will follow along with a MISO Long-range Transmission Workshop, where the RTO is set to lay out supporting evidence for its nearly final, $25 billion transmission plan.
Tom Kleckner will have a story on the MISO-SPP IPSAC meeting online, which will brief stakeholders on the RTOs’ 2024 Coordinated System Plan study after agreeing on a new approach to help them explore additional drivers and assumptions. Tom will also check out a Talk with Texas RE webinar in which representatives from the Public Utility Commission of Texas will discuss the commission’s Cyber Outreach Program and potential areas of collaboration with utilities.
Ayla Burnett will supply our CAISO news with a story about the Storage Bid Cost Recovery and Default Energy Bids Enhancements Initiative, as ISO staff and stakeholders discuss the revised straw proposal to refine bid cost recovery for storage resources.
James Downing will tune into a FERC workshop on innovations and efficiencies in generator interconnection. Over two days, the commission will hear about best practices and how to speed up generator interconnection queue processes. James will also check out an Americans for a Clean Energy Grid webinar, “A Deep Dive into Interregional Transmission,” which will feature a presentation on NERC’s work on interregional transfer capacity
Holden Mann will report on the NERC Reliability and Security Technical Committee meeting in which members will discuss the ERO’s response to developing grid reliability challenges, including issues with inverter-based resources, facility ratings and extreme weather.
The details on all the meetings above can be found on our calendar.
The RTO Insider team will also have a bunch of other news, so be sure to check out the website and our daily emails throughout the week!