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At one time we were all a part of one happy supercontinent. | Shutterstock

September 11, 2024

Plate tectonics are a remarkable geological phenomenon. Obviously the science behind the idea is sound and easily proven, but the notion that our planet’s surface is constantly remolding itself – especially when we haven’t seen it on any other planets or moons yet — is fascinating.

Geologists from Australia and China recently released a study refining some of the pre-existing models of Earth’s tectonic and plate boundary evolution and show how the plates have maneuvered over the last 1.8 billion years. Obviously I don’t know what has changed in the data, but the movements are mesmerizing to watch nonetheless. About 400 million years ago, my house may have been by the South Pole, and 850 million years ago it was basically Australia. 

The future holds many changes yet to come. Africa may split in two in 5 million to 10 million years. Los Angeles will one day be next to San Francisco. And another supercontinent will form in about 200 million years (barring planetary destruction, of course). Too bad I won’t be around to see it … 

Now, RTO Insider rearranged this news into this email.

From everyone at RTO Insider, thanks for reading and enjoy the rest of your day! Also, be sure to check out our latest news from NetZero Insider below! 

Shawn McFarland

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