October 4, 2024
Here are some of the stories RTO Insider plans on having for you next week:
Jon Lamson will gather the details from the NEPOOL Participants Committee as it offers presentations on ISO-NE’s 2025 annual work plan, 2025 budget and ongoing operations.
Vincent Gabrielle will follow along with the NYISO ICAP Working Group meeting, which will feature a discussion of the transmission security floor, capacity accreditation factors and clean hydrogen. Vincent will also check in on the Electric System Planning Working Group.
Devin Leith-Yessian will relay all the PJM news, starting with the Planning Committee considering an endorsement on proposals to rework how generation owners can transfer capacity interconnection rights from a deactivating generator to a new resource. Elsewhere, the Market Implementation Committee will vote on endorsing the third phase of market rules for hybrid resources, a problem statement and issue charge to allow the RTO to revise Base Residual Auction deadlines, and how external resources are recognized in the capacity market, while the Operating Committee will receive updates on monthly statistics and cybersecurity.
Amanda Durish Cook will report on the MISO Resource Adequacy Subcommittee, which is set to discuss how it plans to accredit the capacity of its load-modifying resources.
Tom Kleckner will be on top of the ERCOT board and its committees, who will meet Oct. 9-10, as they go over the approval of the 2025 ancillary service methodology among the key items.
Ayla Burnett will have a story on a CAISO Resource Adequacy Modeling and Program Design Working Group, as well as a Storage Bid Cost Recovery and Default Energy Bids Enhancements Workshop. The former will discuss changes to the ISO’s RA program, including issues related to loss-of-load-expectation, backstop procurement and modeling. The latter will go over the revised straw proposal that is addressing issues related to BCR and how it affects storage resources.
Robert Mullin will cover the additional meeting called by the West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative to discuss the design of the stakeholder process for the initiative’s proposed “regional Organization.”
James Downing will attend an American Clean Power Association event on the “Truth About Reliability in Extreme Weather” that will feature FERC Commissioner David Rosner and RTO executives.
Holden Mann will tune into SERC’s 2024 Fall Reliability and Security Seminar, where RE staff will discuss the best practices and audit expectations to help attendees improve their compliance, security and reliability programs.
K Kaufmann will attend the two-day Maryland Clean Energy Summit, while also checking out the American Council on Renewable Energy’s Grid Forum. Rosner will be at this event too.
Hugh Morley will also be out and about at a two-day New Jersey-focused conference on offshore wind.
The details on all the meetings above can be found on our calendar.
The RTO Insider team will also have a bunch of other news, so be sure to check out the website and our daily emails throughout the week!