October 11, 2024
Here are some of the stories RTO Insider plans on having for you next week:
Jon Lamson will report on the NEPOOL Markets Committee as it continues work on ISO-NE’s Capacity Auction Reform project.
Vincent Gabrielle will handle all our NYISO news, starting with the Business Issues Committee. The agenda figured to be packed with talks about the Market Operations report, revenue metering requirements, manual changes and how to balance renewables. The ISO will also hold its Fall Economic Conference. The all-day event will look ahead through the fall and winter at the national and local economic trends.
Devin Leith-Yessian will dive into the PJM Planning Committee as it convenes a special session to discuss the RTO’s proposal to allow high-capacity factor resources to enter the interconnection queue with an advanced position. Meanwhile, the Reserve Certainty Senior Task Force will review the results of a vote on a PJM proposal to allow hourly notification times to be used when clearing reserves in the day-ahead energy market, while the Deactivation Enhancements Senior Task Force will review proposals to lengthen the advance notice generation owners must provide PJM before retiring units.
Amanda Durish Cook will follow along with the MISO Planning Advisory Committee. The RTO and stakeholders are set to debate its controversial 50% annual peak cap on its generator interconnection queue.
Tom Kleckner will be on top of all the SPP governance meetings, as the MOPC, Strategic Planning Committee and REAL Team all hold meetings in Little Rock, Ark. The MOPC will take up the 2024 ITP assessment and SPP’s largest portfolio ever: 90 projects that will require a $7.6 billion investment.
Ayla Burnett will have a story on CAISO’s Department of Market Monitoring as it goes over market issues and performance for the first quarter of the year.
James Downing will attend the Energy Bar Association’s Mid-Year Forum in D.C., where FERC commissioners and other panelists will discuss important legal issues in the energy industry.
The RTO Insider team will also cover all the news out of the commission’s open meeting.
K Kaufmann will tune into a Berkeley Lab webinar on the state of demand flexibility and rates, as grid flexibility is critical for integrating variable renewables and the need to create a range of programs to provide the same.
Holden Mann will gather the details from the NERC Standards Committee meeting, which will feature discussions on the next stage of the ERO’s inverter-based resource standards projects, revisions to the cold weather standards, election of new members and the Reliability Standards Development Plan.
The details on all the meetings above can be found on our calendar.
The RTO Insider team will also have a bunch of other news, so be sure to check out the website and our daily emails throughout the week!