
October 18, 2024

Here are some of the stories RTO Insider plans on having for you next week:

Jon Lamson will follow along with the NEPOOL Reliability Committee and its discussion of a regional energy shortfall threshold. Jon will also have pieces on the NEPOOL Transmission Committee and the ISO-NE Planning Advisory Committee. 

Vincent Gabrielle will report on the NYISO ICAP Working Group meeting. The group will discuss the operating reserves performance penalty proposal, capacity accreditation modeling improvements and dynamic reserves market design proposal. Vincent will also check in on the ISO’s Operations Committee, which will review the summer's hot-weather operating conditions, the ConEd voltage collapse study, and the final reliability need presentation. 

Devin Leith-Yessian will have a story on the two-day Organization of PJM States Annual Meeting. Day One will feature talks on the results of the 2025/26 Base Residual Auction, the future of PJM's capacity market and grid reliability. Day Two will have the Market Monitoring Advisory Committee meet with the Independent Market Monitor and PJM, followed by panels on load growth, the intersection of transmission planning and public policy and speeding generation interconnection. Lastly, the Market Implementation Committee will hold a special session laying the foundation of the quadrennial review of the capacity market. 

Amanda Durish Cook will have a piece on the Organization of MISO States’ Annual Meeting. The two-day meeting will hear panels on faltering resource adequacy and flourishing load growth, as well as a talk on the significance of plant retirements with departing MISO President Clair Moeller. 

Robert Mullin will cover the fall joint meeting of the Committee on Regional Electric Power Cooperation and Western Interconnection Regional Advisory Body in San Diego from Oct. 22-24. The packed agenda will include discussions on the evolving state of resource adequacy in the West, spurring transmission development, planning for large loads and the West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative’s Step 2 proposal. 

Holden Mann will attend GridSecCon in Minneapolis, Minn., from Oct. 22-25 where grid stakeholders will discuss challenges and opportunities for cyber and physical security. 

James Downing will check out the Aurora Energy Transition Forum, as CEOs of three ISOs and senior executives at energy firms will discuss the energy transition. James will also take in a DOE webinar on “Grid Modernization Initiative Strategy,” where a small army of experts from across the national labs will talk on the subject. 

K Kaufmann will detail the Maryland Public Service Commission as it holds three days of legislative-style hearings on revised plans for EmPOWER Maryland energy efficiency programs targeting low-income households. 

The details on all the meetings above can be found on our calendar

The RTO Insider team will also have a bunch of other news, so be sure to check out the website and our daily emails throughout the week! 


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