October 25, 2024
Here are some of the stories RTO Insider plans on having for you next week:
Vincent Gabrielle will report on the NYISO Budget Priorities Working Group, which will discuss its draft budget for 2025. There also will be an ICAP Working Group meeting with talks about locational minimum capacity requirement optimization and spring 2025's centralized TCC auction survey results.
Devin Leith-Yessian will have everything PJM. The Transmission Expansion Advisory Committee will convene a special session to discuss scenario development under FERC Order 1920, while the Risk Management Committee will hold a first read on an issue charge to discuss capacity seller credit provisions, as well as continue discussions on minimum capitalization and credit requirements for financial transmission right trading. Elsewhere, the Markets and Reliability Committee will vote on Tariff revisions to expand PJM's review of the creditworthiness of participants in a bilateral capacity transaction.
Amanda Durish Cook will have a story on the System Planning Committee of the MISO Board of Directors, which is set to hear the Independent Market Monitor's concerns over the $28 billion long-range transmission package.
Tom Kleckner will have a piece on the ERCOT TAC meeting as the committee considers the ERCOT board’s remand of a high dispatch limit override provision for increased LSE costs.
Tom also will dive into the SPP Regional State Committee and Board Meetings. Directors, members and regulators will meet Monday and Tuesday, with approval of the RTO's record $7.65 billion transmission plan and the annual members meeting topping the agenda.
Ayla Burnett will break down two symposiums, including the Electric Program Investment Charge Symposium and the CAISO Stakeholder Symposium. The former will include clean energy professionals, researchers, grantees, policymakers, industry leaders, technology developers and entrepreneurs spotlighting the latest innovations and advancements driven by the EPIC program, while the latter will have staff and stakeholders discuss new technologies, the transformation of the transmission network, and market expansion and system reliability as the grid evolves to accommodate increasing levels of new clean energy resources. Lastly, a CAISO Regional Issues Forum will have the Western Energy Markets Governing Body discuss issues related to energy markets in the west.
James Downing will tune into a FERC technical conference on colocation of large loads where the commission will discuss the debate around collocating data centers and other large customers at nuclear plants.
K Kaufmann will attend the Southeast Renewable Energy conference in Charlotte, N.C., from Oct. 28-30. The first day will feature a rundown of the energy scene in each state. Tuesday will have panels of utility execs and state regulators, including a panel on interconnection.
Holden Mann will follow along with “Technical Talk with RF,” as ReliabilityFirst staff will discuss emerging challenges related to cybersecurity.
The details on all the meetings above can be found on our calendar.
The RTO Insider team also will have a bunch of other news, so be sure to check out the website and our daily emails throughout the week!