
November 1, 2024

Here are some of the stories RTO Insider plans on having for you next week:

Jon Lamson will follow along with ISO-NE’s open board meeting, which will feature reports from RTO executives and a public listening session. Jon will also have stories on the NEPOOL Participants Committee and Eversource’s earnings call. 

Vincent Gabrielle will report on the NYISO ICAP Working Group meeting and its update on FERC Order 2222 compliance. 

Devin Leith-Yessian will relay the news from the PJM Planning Committee and its vote on an issue charge proposed by LS Power to revise the capacity emergency transfer limit to be in line with the RTO’s winter heavy risk modeling. The MRC is set to hold a special session to discuss PJM’s reliability resource initiative, while the MIC may vote on conforming revisions to Manual 28 to expand the lost opportunity cost calculation for wind resources to also apply to solar, hybrid and storage. 

Hugh Morley will dive into the data following PSEG’s third-quarter earnings call. 

Amanda Durish Cook will have a piece on the MISO Market Subcommittee, which is poised to deliver its response to the Independent Market Monitor’s annual list of market recommendations. 

Tom Kleckner will be in to check out the North American Generator Forum’s Compliance Conference and Annual Meeting in Austin, Texas. Topics will include the best practices for generator cold-weather preparation and EROI activities related to inverter-based resources. 

Ayla Burnett will cover the Western Energy Markets Governing Body’s General Session, where the body will receive an update on market benefits. The body will also hold a joint meeting with the CAISO Board of Governors, where they will vote on the bid cost recovery enhancements proposal, as well as on implementation of Pathways Initiative step 1. 

Holden Mann will tune into an Interregional Transfer Capability Study webinar as NERC staff presents its findings from the study and the next steps to take. 

The details on all the meetings above can be found on our calendar

The RTO Insider team will also have a bunch of other news, so be sure to check out the website and our daily emails throughout the week! 


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