
November 15, 2024

Here are some of the stories RTO Insider plans on having for you next week:

Jon Lamson will have stories on both the NEPOOL Reliability Committee and the Transmission Committee, along with the ISO-NE Planning Advisory Committee. 

Vincent Gabrielle will gather the details from the NYISO Transmission Planning Advisory Subcommittee as it goes over the Coordinated Grid Planning Process finding summary that will outline transmission needs across New York. The Management Committee and the ICAP Working Group will also hold meetings. 

Devin Leith-Yessian will have a story on the PJM Markets and Reliability Committee, which is set to consider a proposal to establish an expedited process for transferring capacity interconnection rights from a deactivating generator to a new resource. Stakeholders may also vote on endorsing the RTO’s third phase of rules for hybrid resources, focusing on combinations of non-inverter-based generation with storage. 

Amanda Durish Cook will be in Carmel, Ind., on Nov. 19 to check out the MISO Probabilistic Planning Symposium, the first step the RTO is taking to anticipate load growth 20 years out, which could impact transmission planning. 

Tom Kleckner will attend the 2024 Texas Nuclear Summit near Austin. The newly created Texas Nuclear Alliance, with a mission to make Texas the nuclear capital of the world, will host the summit. Featured speakers include two recent DOE secretaries, Ernest Moniz and Rick Perry, and a host of industry insiders embracing nuclear energy. 

Ayla Burnett will report on a CAISO Resource Adequacy Modeling and Program Design Policy Workshop, which will explore changes needed to the ISO’s resource adequacy rules, requirements and processes to ensure the future reliability and operability of the grid. Elsewhere, the ISO will hold a Storage Bid Cost Recovery and Default Energy Bids workshop to go over the draft tariff language for the refined storage BCR calculation. 

Robert Mullin will cover a meeting of the West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative at which the group’s Launch Committee will be discussing its Step 2 proposal for altering the governance of CAISO’s Western markets. 

Holden Mann will check out the 2024 NERC-NATF-EPRI Annual Transmission Planning and Modeling Workshop, as the three entities host in-depth discussions about the latest developments in transmission planning and modeling, and their impact on electric reliability. Elsewhere, a Technical Talk with ReliabilityFirst will include staff from Exelon discussing physical security challenges they have faced and how they addressed them. 

K Kaufmann will dive into the two-day CHESSA Solar Focus 2024 Annual Conference in Baltimore. This year’s agenda is chockfull of sessions on key topics like load growth, decarbonization, grid modernization and interconnection – with a state and local perspective. 

Hugh Morley will detail a New Jersey Board of Public Utilities public hearing on potential changes to the state’s net metering regulations. 

Lastly, the RTO Insider team will relay all the news from FERC’s open meeting and its rehearing of Order 1920. 

The details on all the meetings above can be found on our calendar

The RTO Insider team will also have a bunch of other news, so be sure to check out the website and our daily emails throughout the week! 


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