December 13, 2024
Here are some of the stories RTO Insider plans on having for you next week:
Jon Lamson will gather the details from the NEPOOL Reliability Committee as it takes advisory votes on asset condition projects in ISO-NE.
Vincent Gabrielle will break down the NYISO Management Committee and the happenings from its last meeting of the year. The Budget Priorities Working Group will also receive updates on the various in-process projects.
Devin Leith-Yessian will have everything PJM, including the Markets and Reliability Committee considering the endorsement of a quick-fix proposal to revise the RTO’s load drop estimate guidelines. Elsewhere, the Risk Management Committee will continue discussions on its minimum capitalization requirement and whether creditworthiness should factor into granting RPM seller credits, while the Members Committee votes on sector representatives for the Finance Committee, and its whips and vice chair.
James Downing will check out a Virginia State Corporation Commission technical conference on data centers and demand growth. The conference will offer a discussion of the massive demand growth from data centers in Northern Virginia and other parts of the state.
Amanda Durish Cook will have a story on a MISO workshop where the RTO will release its finalized Regional Resource Assessment, which attempts to project its resource profile and capacity needs over the next 20 years.
Tom Kleckner will follow along with the SPP Resource and Energy Adequacy Leadership Team, which will hold its final face-to-face meeting of 2024 to discuss and vote on a long-term planning reserve margin policy and begin planning the 2029 PRM study.
Ayla Burnett will report on the CAISO Board of Governors and WEM Governing Body general session as both bodies will hear a briefing on the West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative. Also, the Oceantic Network will provide a market update on California offshore wind, while a Western Interstate Energy Board webinar will discuss greenhouse gas accounting and reporting across the Western interconnection.
RTO Insider will also report on all the happenings from FERC’s open meeting.
Holden Mann will dive into NERC’s Long-Term Reliability Assessment release, as the organization holds a media call to announce the findings.
The details on all the meetings above can be found on our calendar.
The RTO Insider team will also have a bunch of other news, so be sure to check out the website and our daily emails throughout the week!