The new battleground for computer nerds. | Shutterstock
December 13, 2024
Every day, I spend anywhere from minutes to hours searching for a topic for this email. As you can tell, I touch on a wide range of stories, from totally newsworthy to totally obscure. Well, you can chalk one up for the latter today.
The Microsoft Excel World Championships were held in Las Vegas earlier this month. That’s right, I said “Excel World Championships,” where “participants solve unusual game tasks in Microsoft Excel.” This year’s champ, Michael Jarman, turned out to be the best at managing a team of “World of Warcraft” players as they progressed through a simulated game and kept track of various stats. How exciting!
Jarman won $5,000 for his efforts, which, being in Vegas, he probably spent within three hours of winning it. Or maybe he doubled it in roulette? Who knows? He could have just logged his winnings in a spreadsheet and went home.
Now, I am a master at Microsoft Word when I compile this RTO Insider news.
From everyone at RTO Insider, thanks for reading and enjoy the rest of your day! Also, be sure to check out our latest news from NetZero Insider below!
Shawn McFarland |
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RioSol Capacity Allocation |
On January 6, 2025, El Rio Sol Transmission, LLC (“RioSol”) will commence an open solicitation process to award up to 1,600 MW of bi-directional, point-to-point, firm transmission capacity. RioSol is holding this open solicitation process pursuant to its FERC authorization issued in Docket No. ER24-1726-000, dated July 5, 2024.
The RioSol Transmission Project consists of a proposed single-circuit, 500 kV alternating current electric transmission line and several substations that will transport energy from Arizona and New Mexico to customers and markets across the Desert Southwest. RioSol is seeking parties that can meet our criteria and work with us to enable the transmission project to commence construction by the end of 2026 and commence operating by the end of 2028. More information about the project can be found at www.riosol.energy.
RioSol has engaged Energy Strategies to manage the open solicitation process. Specific information about the forthcoming open solicitation process and timing can be found at www.riosol-os.com. On 12/18/2024, RioSol will host a webinar to review the project and Open Solicitation process and to answer questions from prospective customers. To sign up for the webinar, email RioSol-OS@energystrat.com.
Starting on January 6, 2025, interested entities may obtain a request for participation form and a confidentiality agreement via www.riosol-os.com and submit them to RioSol-OS@energystrat.com. Subsequently, interested entities deemed to have a legitimate interest in obtaining transmission capacity on RioSol will be provided with a confidential information memorandum and the expression of interest form. Completed expression of interest forms will be due no later than February 7, 2025. |
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