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How far back can you remember, Olaf? | Shutterstock

January 14, 2025

Olaf has been quoted as saying water has memory. That goes for if it’s frozen too. 

An international research team recently drilled and retrieved a 9,186-foot-long ice core from Antarctica that dates back 1.2 million years. The sample, which is six times the height of the Empire State Building, extended so deep that it reached the bedrock beneath the Antarctic Ice Sheet. The air bubbles trapped in the ice provide a snapshot of past atmospheric composition, including greenhouse gas concentrations, and have scientists hopeful they will shed light on what caused Earth’s ice ages to shift about a million years ago.

Let’s hope the ice from this generation doesn’t magically come to life in the distant future and recall its memory. It may not have many nice things to say about us. 

Now, see what news RTO Insider dug up.

From everyone at RTO Insider, thanks for reading and enjoy the rest of your day! Also, be sure to check out our latest news from NetZero Insider below! 

Shawn McFarland 

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