That is some crazy looking cheese. | EddieBarstool via Twitter
January 16, 2025
I’ve seen stories of things pulled out of the produce department, such as frogs and lizards in packaged salad bags. I have never seen a story of someone pulling out a coyote from underneath the cheeses — until now.
Earlier this week, police and Animal Care and Control had to remove a coyote from a grocery store in Chicago. Apparently the coyote, which had been seen walking around outside, got inside and tried hiding in a cooler under the fine cheeses. The video shows a man attempting to pull something out from a small produce shelf — which then shockingly turns out to be a giant hairy leg. Meanwhile, the coyote had no interest joining the other selection of meats.
The coyote was transferred to a wildlife group before being released back into the wild. Sorry bud, but you have to catch your own food.
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