Just keep your eye on the ball. | Shutterstock
January 17, 2025
Remember when you were a kid, and you would play catch with your friend and try to see how many throws you could complete without dropping the ball? No matter how hard you tried, something always caused the ball to hit the ground earlier than you expected.
A pair of Swedes, known as the “Spin Duo,” attempted the “consecutive completion” game with a ping pong ball last July and went further and longer than anyone in the game’s history. The tandem successfully volleyed a pong ball for a staggering 13 hours, 37 minutes and 6 seconds … besting the previous record by 30 seconds before calling it a day and celebrating.
As someone who can neither a) keep a pong ball on the table for longer than three volleys, nor b) stand for 13 consecutive hours focusing on a singular activity, my hats off to these guys. I’m not sure I could play video games for 13 straights hours. Boy, I’m getting old.
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