Using a crowbar to steal a car is so 2000-and-late. | Shutterstock
February 3, 2025
When someone tells you something is “un(fill in the blank)able,” it’s probably best to take it with a grain of salt. I mean, ask the Titanic how that worked out.
An English man was also told his new state-of-the-art Range Rover was “unstealable” in December, less than three days before it was stolen out of his driveway. The limited-edition SV Edition One — one of only 550 released in the U.K. — was undoubtedly targeted by a group of thieves who made short work of the vehicle’s anti-theft systems. The man was told an extra device he wanted to add for safety was not needed because “no one’s taking this car.” And with that simple statement, the hex was placed.
It could have been a hex. It could have been fate. Or it could have been these guys.
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