There’s a new elephant in Oregon! | Oregon Zoo
February 5, 2025
The Oregon Zoo welcomed a new member this past weekend … a 200-pound new member.
Rose-Tu, one of the zoo’s 30-year-old Asian elephants, gave birth Saturday afternoon to a female calf. Staff said everything has gone smoothly so far, and the calf seems to be healthy and strong. So strong, in fact, it was able to lift and steady its 200-pound frame after just 15 minutes of being born. It may be a bit yet before the baby is ready to take on sight-seeing customers, but soon enough it will be frolicking in the zoo’s Elephant Lands. Looks like some pretty nice digs.
Perhaps I’ll ask Robert Mullin to go say “hi” for me. Maybe I could have my first FaceTime with an elephant.
Now, welcome a new day with this RTO Insider news.
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Shawn McFarland |
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