February 14, 2025
Here are some of the stories RTO Insider plans on having for you next week:
Devin Leith-Yessian will have everything PJM, including the MRC voting on a proposal to revise the site control requirements for projects being studied in the interconnection queue. Elsewhere, the Effective Load Carrying Capability Senior Task Force will discuss proposals for improving the transparency of ELCC modeling and how the final values feed into resource accreditation, while the Risk Management Committee will continue work on the minimal capitalization requirements for participants in the RTO’s markets, as well as capacity seller credit provisions.
Amanda Durish Cook will report on the MISO Market Subcommittee. The RTO will continue a discussion on the flag it intends to introduce for generators that deviate too far from its dispatch instructions. Staff have said the problem is common among wind generators.
Tom Kleckner will follow along with the Texas Supreme Court as it hears a petition from transmission and distribution utility companies seeking the dismissal of gross negligence and intentional nuisance claims over winter storm blackouts in February 2021. The companies say the common law does not penalize them for emergency load shedding.
Henrik Nilsson will tune into a WIEB webinar on greenhouse gas reporting and accounting that will focus on state policies related to greenhouse emissions. There will also be a Bonneville Power Administration webinar where staff and stakeholders will discuss a framework for upcoming power contracts that are set to expire in 2028.
The RTO Insider team will also tune into FERC’s monthly meeting, which will be Mark Christie’s first meeting as chair.
Holden Mann will detail the Texas RE Board of Directors meeting as leaders discuss leadership changes for the upcoming year and emerging reliability issues.
The details on all the meetings above can be found on our calendar.
The RTO Insider team will also have a bunch of other news, so be sure to check out the website and our daily emails throughout the week! |