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Aaryan Shukla’s new self-portrait. | Midjourney

February 14, 2025

Alan may have been able to do some quick math on his way to winning $80,000, but I’m not sure he can hold an abacus to Aaryan Shukla.

Shukla, a 14-year-old known fittingly as the “human calculator,” broke six Guinness World Records in one day when he successfully did complex math problems in his head faster than anyone else before. Watching Shukla stare at a screen of hundreds of flashing four-digit numbers and input the answer almost instantaneously made my brain short-circuit. He went on to break four more records while barely missing on four others. 

It crazy to see someone’s mind operate like this while I’m over here trying to figure out how many nuggets I can fit in my air fryer. I do eventually get the right answer though! 

Now, all this news added up to compile today’s RTO Insider email.

From everyone at RTO Insider, thanks for reading and enjoy the rest of your day! Also, be sure to check out our latest news from NetZero Insider below! 

Shawn McFarland 

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