Chalk it up as some great community service. | Midjourney
February 19, 2025
Sometimes embarrassing someone for their bad decisions hits harder than locking them away in a room for long periods of time. A Michigan judge takes that line of thinking when it comes to shoplifters.
Judge Jeffrey Clothier recently began ordering misdemeanor shoplifters to wash cars at Walmart as a form of punishment. The judge, who said he had as many as 48 shoplifting cases in one day, hopes the possibility of seeing someone they know might humiliate them into not doing it again. Clothier will wash cars as well. And that’s how you set an example.
On a personal note, I used to coach middle school basketball. Whenever one of my players would get in trouble in school, he would stand on the side and watch as the rest of the team ran sprints for his actions. I never had a repeat offender.
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